Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How Long Can Stomach Flu Virus Live On Surfaces

Chi non sopporta una croce non merita una corona.

Francis Quarles (1592 – 1644), scrittore e poeta britannico

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Remove Harley Ultra Handlebars

One of the ten clues to identify the partner that is not for you

Jean Michel Basquiat, Mona Lisa

4° Indizio: Come sta ad autostima?

Se non si ama, non ti amerà mai, è semplicissimo. Chi non loves himself is incapable of loving other people because they overlook another person can not conceive that I love him and so, when you show affection, or ill-treatment and despises, or doubt of her affection, and continues to claim new confirmation . Locate the woman who has low self-esteem is pretty easy because it is the woman who constantly says: "I see myself fat, I feel bad, I'm not worth anything." with men is more complicated, mostly because they tend to disguise their inferiority complex with that of superiority. So the bully, the cock, the SuperMACHO what he says: "I am here" is, mind you, a person It is estimated that not too much. Remember that the person does not care, that does not protect its habitat life, that you physically ill while preserving all the unhealthy habits that the doctor has forbidden, that is thrown headlong into all sorts of self-destructive behavior - from dependence on labor consumption of two packs of cigarettes a day - has self-esteem issues. E 'mathematician.

Lucia Etxebarria, 2005, I do not suffer for the sake , Bloomsbury Publishing

Friday, March 20, 2009

What I Need To Get With Recurve Bow

live a life. On

Andy Worhol, 1963, Triple Elvis

(. ..) When asked about the ups and downs of his career, the American actor Kevin Costner said in these words "I live a life . I consider it a very profound response. Instead of spending his time to consider whether the events of his life had been negative or positive, had adopted a neutral position simply by deciding to accept them for what they were.

Each of us arrives at a destination through a different path. But no one arrives at a destination without having to face some kind of trouble. So, rather than oppose it, why not accept them as part of life? Why not look at the facts with detachment, merely to capitalize on the cases of life?

The view from the top of the mountains do not seem so good if you've never seen the valley floor. (...)

Robin Sharma, 2008, A life inimitable , Preview Edition

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Congratulations On Baby 3


René Magritte, 1961, Waterfall

My soul, still sitting as a patient spectator
Judge not the play before it's over:
In the plot there are many changes;
daily p arla a new scene;
the last act crowns the play.

My soul, sit thou a patient looker-on;
Judge not the play before the play is done:
Her plot hath many changes;
Every Day speaks a new scene;
the last act crowns the play.

Francis Quarles (1592 - 1644), British writer and poet from Epigram. Respice finem.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What Causes Chirping From Exhaust


561. Do not mention the discomfort

Your discomfort also depends on who appointed him, who talk too much, talk to everyone, transform the object of continuous grievances.

The meaning of life lies instead in the 'I am no one "Odysseus, a rule to be applied every day, hourly with each breath.

Because only if you can sweep from the vocabulary the word I, came into existence.

This is the door of consciousness. We just have to open without reluctance and without hesitation.


Raffaele Morelli, 2004, Aphorisms. The segreto di vivere. Per realizzare se stessi , Ritza editore