Friday, March 20, 2009

What I Need To Get With Recurve Bow

live a life. On

Andy Worhol, 1963, Triple Elvis

(. ..) When asked about the ups and downs of his career, the American actor Kevin Costner said in these words "I live a life . I consider it a very profound response. Instead of spending his time to consider whether the events of his life had been negative or positive, had adopted a neutral position simply by deciding to accept them for what they were.

Each of us arrives at a destination through a different path. But no one arrives at a destination without having to face some kind of trouble. So, rather than oppose it, why not accept them as part of life? Why not look at the facts with detachment, merely to capitalize on the cases of life?

The view from the top of the mountains do not seem so good if you've never seen the valley floor. (...)

Robin Sharma, 2008, A life inimitable , Preview Edition


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