Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Brazilian Grandma Dvd


is Russia helicopter, there is no hope for the Taliban. NATO allies had just taken in Portugal tormented and indecisive summit on Afghanistan. The result: a great desire to leave, but the inability to leave. Maybe less American and European troops to fight after 2014, perhaps. And more and more difficult to fight, because the Western public opinion are unwilling to fight and die. Not for Afghanistan, and even for what would happen after a retreat-defeat.
Come down Pakistan, that Pakistan has nuclear weapons? A disaster, not a direct threat to the security of governments but of the people. But the "people" of Paris, Rome, London and New York also did not feel like a threat, much less direct. People vuole “sganciarsi”. La Nato che molla l’Afghanistan lascia spazio nell’area all’Iran, l’Iran che l’atomica se la sta facendo? Una minaccia diretta, un’altra. Ma la gente non la vive così. E così i governi e gli eserciti della Nato devono premere insieme il pedale dell’acceleratore e del freno: combattere per andarsene al più presto, combattere senza morire. Perché l’Occidente di morire per Kabul non ha voglia né cuore e non trova ragioni. Nè quelle “altruiste” che riguardano le libertà e le condizioni di vita degli afghani, né quelle “egoistiche” e di autotutela.
Insomma per le public opinion in Western Afghanistan is far away and not worth it. Obama fails to determining the extent of military strikes on the ground with ads hallway near future. Cameron must hold off the polls and the Parliament in London became suspicious of the mission, and impatience with the loss of British soldiers. Merkel may not commit more troops. Karzai did not know whether to trust or not, and Karzai has strongly debated Clinton. At the front of the military do not know whether to bomb or not, if the "mission" is to attack and gain ground or avoid losses of Afghan civilians and NATO soldiers.
La Russa, Italian Minister of Defence, at the top Lisbon has to be there and came away thinking, "Now I'll". It is also working its way Prime Minister Berlusconi? La Russa should be returned to Italy mulling how to put order into this mess in which NATO Obama, Cameron, Merkel and several general are lost. And then he thought "the act of force", as she had seen the movies, that Schwarzenegger's no coincidence then became the first Terminator and then governor of California. Recall and cutting the Gordian knot. To be implemented, however, the second Italian tradition. Mumble-mumble ... La Russa think, reflect, and here's the plan. Lightning put in place. Air up to Herat in Afghanistan. And then helicopter Bala Murghab up to where you fight. And the helicopter the two weapons of mass distraction. The first himself, the Italian Minister in camouflage. The second eleven thousand, not a poor package, eleven thousand flyers. From launch on the head of the Taliban, by raining upon them wherever they are hidden. Leaflets dropped by hand, by the skilful hand, firm and manly of the minister. Italian, said the minister himself, giving the title to the Italian press, and why not, have you ever seen ... the world, "La Russa as D'Annunzio." Aroma of "twenty years", vintage flavor of "legionnaires" in this analogy claimed in this appeal to the "poet-warrior"? And why must not have thought La Russa? A bit of recovery of tradition "and" roots "can not hurt.
Flyers designed, not thrown out stuff. There is a figurine of the former Taliban back to the village, which in fact surrendered or otherwise ceases to fire. There is a phrase from the Koran, even on the Koran that "it is peace and happiness." So these Muslims are convinced and are not stories. There's the cunningly induced reflection: "The well-being comes from the peace." Well, dear Afghans, the Taliban are doing, Allah is that the portfolio will say it is better not to make war. It tells the minister in person, by helicopter. First reports from the field speak for the Taliban first confused, then amazed, then repent. Kneel to pick up flyers everywhere and in doing so drop the gun. It was so simple to solve the war in Afghanistan, but La Russa has had the audacity to seize the moment and the idea of \u200b\u200bpeace fly flyers. Modest, humble, the minister steering wheel, the Cincinnatus of Afghanistan, the D'Annunzio of the third millennium, then returned home. A call to reporters as he slipped a photo of himself on the helicopter in the album where there is also a snapshot of fucilino of wood with which he played as a child.


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