Monday, June 23, 2008

Sink Shower Knobs Replace

accounts. Not all have the same value €

Keith Harring, Untitled. Stima: 60.000 – 80.000 USD. Aggiudicato: 217.000 USD

Non importa che si disponga di pochi o di tanti soldi: quando abbiamo a che fare con il denaro, pensiamo di agire fully aware of our choices, unaware of the contradictions that often we fall. Our mental accounting is in fact less stringent to what we believe and can understand a single transaction in different ways, sometimes creative, often Tutt 'nothing but flawless.
Get yourself to the test immediately.

And 'Sunday's derby.
Are you going to the stadium. As you arrive at you realize you've lost your ticket orange stand of 150 €.
(if you do not like going to the stadium imagine going to the theater or whatever you like)

Cosa fai ricompri il biglietto?

Stesso scenario, sei sempre all'ingresso dello stadio. Ma questa volta invece di avere smarrito il biglietto di tribuna arancio, che non avevi ancora acquistato, ti accorgi di aver perso 150 euro che avevi nella tasca della giacca.

Cosa fai, compri il biglietto?

La maggior parte delle persone che si è sottoposta ad un esperimento simile non ricomprerebbe il biglietto nel primo caso ma lo acquisterebbe nel secondo.

(...) Facciamo un altro esperimento. E' tempo di saldi natalizi. Stai comperando un telefonino che avevi adocchiato da tempo. Il telefonino is on sale for 60 €. While you're buying, a friend informs you that another shop, ten minutes away, the same phone costs 50 €.

What do you do? Go now in the shop where it costs less?

same situation. Only now you want to buy a new TV. The device is priced at € 1780. The same friend tells you that another shop, ten minutes from there, the same TV costs 1770.

What do you do? Go now in the shop where it costs less?

Most people answer in the affirmative to the first question but not to seconda.

A quanto pare ognuno di noi tende a organizzare i soldi in una serie di categorie diverse

(...) Ripercorriamo insieme le scelte fatte: torniamo al casi immaginario del derby. Nel primo scenario (biglietto da 150 euro smarrito) la maggior parte delle persone codifica questa perdita all'interno del conto mentale divertimento. Il riacquisto del biglietto andrebbe così a sommarsi alla spesa già sostenuta, sempre a scopo di divertimento, per il primo biglietto smarrito (...) Non è così nel secondo scenario. Qui la perdita di 150 euro "senza nome" e il costo del biglietto appartengono in qualche modo a due categorie diverse, gestite da conti mentally different.

In the second experiment, the purchase of the phone rather than the TV, the value we could save the money that changes in relation to the total cost: 10 € to 60 € therefore worth more than € 10 on 1780 .

Our head works as a Shuk , the traditional Arab market, where there is no price that can not be negotiated and each transaction is a story in itself .

Matteo Motterlini (teaches Economics and Philosophy of Cognitive Science at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele Milan. Sritto numerous scientific papers and has worked at the "Sole 24 Ore" and "CorrierEconomia"), 2008, Economics emotional. What lies behind our daily accounts , Bur Essays, Milan.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Kensington Laptop Power

Humor saves

(...) Humor and laughter go hand in hand. Scholars have wondered why we react with a laugh in the face of a joke, and have formulated many theories. The most thorough psychological and stems from Freud's thought: it argues that man, as a result of civilization and education, must increasingly control the sexual and aggressive impulses. While a few thousand years ago we would have beaten and matched instantly today We held back and restrained energy is released and discharged in laughter.

(...) Humor is the direct expression of our inner feelings without experiencing discomfort or embarrassment and without arousing the disapproval of others. With humor we say bread bread and wine to wine

(...) According to Freud, humor is "a means to find pleasure even in the presence of unpleasant emotions ... and it saves mental energy. Indeed Thanks to laugh relieve tension set in motion by some negative event ... The main purpose of humor is to say, 'Look at that! Here's what it comes down one thing that seems so dangerous to a child's play. "

Mario Farnè (medico e psicoterapeuta, insegna Psicologia medica nell'Università di Bologna), 2003, L'ansia. Un indomabile nemica o un'alleata per il successo?, Il Mulino, Bologna

Monday, June 9, 2008

Has Anyone Use Tour2india4health?

psychic energies on the concept of normality

Bruno Munari , Le forchette

Nel mondo siamo tutti matti, tranne me e te; ma anche tu sei un pochino strano.
Robert Owen

La battuta di Robert Owen , un riformatore sociale inglese vissuto a cavallo tra Sette e Ottocento, é comunque valid for three reasons. To begin with, makes you smile, and this helps their health. Secondly, it suggests that it is much easier to notice behavior "strange" that the other of us. Finally Owen says, although with different nuances, each of us has little manias

(...) Who's normal? Cos' is the norm? From the statistical point of view, in a sample of the population we can measure aspects of behavior such as memory, sympathy, creativity, intelligence or anxiety (but also physical aspects such as beauty, strength, etc..) Assigning each of them a score and the values All of these features will be distributed in the same manner and along a bell curve, where most of the population accumulates around the center, which indicates the average or normality.

(...) And 'therefore clear that the statistical approach is not entirely satisfactory to the person: after all, be in the middle (= normal) could also mean "to be mediocre," which not please everyone as not everyone likes the "fall within the mass." From the point of view personal instead it would be normal - in a sense - anormali , se questo termine significa "al di fuori della media"(...)

Mario Farnè (medico e psicoterapeuta, insegna Psicologia medica nell'Università di Bologna), 2003, L'ansia . Un indomabile nemica o un'alleata per il successo? , Il Mulino, Bologna

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Skin Cancer In Adolescents


Scrivi un messaggio e fallo leggere da un uccellino o da un coniglietto o da un pesce rosso.
Nell'epoca di internet comunicare conosce nuove forme e ti permette di fare delle sorprese a qualcuno .

Questo è il mio messaggio di oggi clicca qui

But you write yours and send it to whomever you want. I think the result really brilliant!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Keep the mind fixed on things we desire and those who do not want to distract

Second step: Keep your mind fixed on the things you want and distoglietela those who do not want.

Once you have become masters of your mind, you have to keep it under control and the best way is to
concentrate on the things you want and distract from what unwanted .(...)
Close out the door mentally unpleasant events or failures of the past
. Rumination on the failures, disappointments or negative feelings towards others does not make the situation worse .(...)
concentrate the mind on the things you want to obtain or for which you are willing to beat you in life. Use your brain to control and direct your thoughts to optimism. Be masters of your mind and direct it towards the images you want. Do not let circumstances or people you require to have a negative view of things .(...)

Words of wisdom

We sing along the way and the journey will seem less tiring.

Our doubts are traitors and often for fear of failure make us lose the good we might get.
William Shakespeare

Never despair, but if you can not do without it, go ahead anyway.
Edmund Burke

If you really believe in something, this will be achieved by the very fact that we believe.
Frank Lloyd Wright

To be happy, forget the words "if only" and replace with: "the next time " .
Smiley Blanton

Napoleon Hill, 1998, The keys to positive thinking. Ten steps towards wealth and success, Gribaudi, Milan