Monday, June 9, 2008

Has Anyone Use Tour2india4health?

psychic energies on the concept of normality

Bruno Munari , Le forchette

Nel mondo siamo tutti matti, tranne me e te; ma anche tu sei un pochino strano.
Robert Owen

La battuta di Robert Owen , un riformatore sociale inglese vissuto a cavallo tra Sette e Ottocento, é comunque valid for three reasons. To begin with, makes you smile, and this helps their health. Secondly, it suggests that it is much easier to notice behavior "strange" that the other of us. Finally Owen says, although with different nuances, each of us has little manias

(...) Who's normal? Cos' is the norm? From the statistical point of view, in a sample of the population we can measure aspects of behavior such as memory, sympathy, creativity, intelligence or anxiety (but also physical aspects such as beauty, strength, etc..) Assigning each of them a score and the values All of these features will be distributed in the same manner and along a bell curve, where most of the population accumulates around the center, which indicates the average or normality.

(...) And 'therefore clear that the statistical approach is not entirely satisfactory to the person: after all, be in the middle (= normal) could also mean "to be mediocre," which not please everyone as not everyone likes the "fall within the mass." From the point of view personal instead it would be normal - in a sense - anormali , se questo termine significa "al di fuori della media"(...)

Mario Farnè (medico e psicoterapeuta, insegna Psicologia medica nell'Università di Bologna), 2003, L'ansia . Un indomabile nemica o un'alleata per il successo? , Il Mulino, Bologna


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