Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Top 10 Mid Priced A/v Receivers

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, to frighten us more

Joseph Kosuth , 1966, Five words in green neon

La meditazione
di Nelson Mandela

La nostra paura più profonda
non è di essere inadeguati.

La nostra paura più profonda, è di essere potenti oltre ogni limite. È la nostra luce, non la nostra ombra, a spaventarci di più.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? "
Actually, who are you not to be?
We are children of God

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
themselves so that other
not feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,
as children do.

We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within di noi.

Non solo in alcuni di noi:
è in ognuno di noi.

E quando permettiamo alla nostra luce di risplendere, inconsapevolmente diamo agli altri la possibilità di fare lo stesso.
E quando ci liberiamo dalle nostre paure,
la nostra presenza
automaticamente libera gli altri.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What Do I Need To Renew License For Age 21 Ohio

concerns that cloud

Enzo Cucchi , 1980, A mano a mano

A volte capita che di fronte ad un problema reagiamo con una preoccupazione tale che ogni altro pleasant aspect of our lives is obscured, diminished, forgotten.

(...) Any positive event, it is immediately removed from the concern joy and happiness are constantly delayed the moment when the issue is resolved. This type of attitude can be quite annoying because is difficult to be totally free from worries and this will put your personal happiness in grave danger.
I noticed that very often people who exhibit this attitude to address the concerns are the same that have powerful feelings of guilt for a number of things, it seems that car punish, not allowing them to be happy;

(...) the cause of everything is usually due to childhood, when the victim of this attitude was constantly discouraged, perhaps unconsciously by anxious adults.

(...) Another source of guilt may be, within the family of origin, an attitude that you consider "evil" the joy and fun: a behavior is serious and austere 'single acceptable in this vale of tears that is our life. Happiness is something so frivolous, something that should feel guilty and therefore should be suppressed respectfully

(...) Whatever the reason why a particular problem there storm , always remember that the events occur even in difficult times beautiful ; being taken by our concerns but we do not notice them. E 'therefore important to keep in mind the following points:
  • The situation ends all positive. (For one reason or another have a value of growth and experience)
  • Concentrate your attention on something pleasant, even small. The more time you can commit to a problem, the greater the size of that purchase in your mind.
  • Without attention to the way you talk : avoid exaggerations.
I deal with problems only when they arise and always calm. The problems are not monsters and I believe they can be solved with ease and skill. Life becomes every day more enjoyable because my ability to deal with things is increasing day by day.

Vera Peiffer
( psychoanalyst and hypnotherapy of German origin living and working in London), 1989, The power of positive thinking , Armenia Publishing Group, Milan

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Famous Graves In Rome

Knowing how do not listen to the Wailing Wall is to become a mental

Mimmo Paladino , 1986, round Earth African

(...) E 'may be part of that category of people who, while enjoying great popularity in spite of numerous friends, feel they are not able to find a partner . All come to you with their problems for advice, help or encouragement, at all hours of phone calls you receive will inform you of developments in their disastrous relationship, keeping the phone for hours.
Your problems will seem insignificant in comparison to those of others.

(...) Please realize that you are not confessors, on which anyone can pour out their emotional outbursts .

(...) E ' important, of course, you're on the side of his friends when they go through difficult times, but be very careful, because there are people where not all interested in solving their problems rather than complain. Listening to these people for too long, you too fall into a depressive state: if you allow other people's problems v'inghiottano, you will be easily infected by them from their anguish and despair. You have a duty to protect yourself, then try to distinguish between true friends, who have a large really need your help, from those who will use it as a shoulder to cry on.

Start by devoting your time to other people, talk to them, they suggested new ways of tackling problems and if then you see that these do nothing to change, will mean that you can not help in any way .
If you find that someone uses for their own purposes (perhaps unintentionally), tell him that from now on will be available to listen to him only when he has something positive to tell you (who knows if it will still have something to tell you).

In most cases you will make a great favor to the other holding back their complaints, if he realize that you are no longer available as the Wailing Wall, it may be that they are forced to take some initiative to give a solution to the problem!

not merely voice only: make sure anche di ricevere. Se vi preoccupate soltanto dei problemi degli altri e trascurate le vostre esigenze e i vostri desideri, non vi state occupando di voi nel modo migliore.

Vera Peiffer (psicanalista e ipnositerapista), 1989, Il potere del pensiero positivo , Gruppo Editoriale Armenia, Milano