Thursday, December 30, 2010

Should You Exercise With A Hiatus Hernia

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Do I Need To Sharpen Double Bladed Skates

"Mariastellina in the land of madness" with Jaguar aka Father Don Gelmini, Silvio Berlusconi

Below is what happened yesterday, the prosecution of "father Jaguar" alias Don Gelmini uncle to the Minister of Education Mariastella Gelmini Daughter ....

The minister aware of the mounting scandal given in the past from her family asked the help and here is the so-called premier provider of the expression of empathy.
Spintasi to the point of declaration to the Prime Minister "I consider Mariastellina a prestigious and worthy heir."!
intuits a ferment in the ranks of conservative theo-dem or decomposed cristicole a certain indignation "But how ...?"
you have a look in-depth here in this beautiful story of solidarity links cross between "comrades of snacks and Mariastellina in the" country of pedofollie!

" I am the first victim della diffamazione ". Ma anche: " Abbiamo la certezza di poter continuare a governare ". Il presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi ha fatto un saluto, in collegamento telefonico, alla Comunità Incontro di Amelia, in provincia di Terni, dove il fondatore don Pierino Gelmini ha celebrato il Natale. " Abbiamo la certezza di poter continuare a governare per i prossimi due anni e mezzo, visto la certezza dei numeri aumentati alla Camera ", ha detto il premier. " Tieni duro, tieni duro ", lo ha incitato il sacerdote responsabile della struttura al centro negli anni scorsi di uno scandalo che nel marzo prossimo lo vedrà comparire davanti al tribunale di Terni  con l'accusa di aver molestato 12 giovani ospiti della comunità, continua a leggere....

Monday, December 13, 2010

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Yellow racist in Brescia? He died a few minutes after Senegal's arrest for violation of the Bossi-Fini immigration! They are desperate


Stefano Cucchi
Giallo a sfondo razzista a Brescia?
Un giovane immigrato è morto poco dopo l'arresto eseguito dai carabinieri. 
Il senegalese, 34 anni, intorno at 8 am Sunday accused respiratory problems and has been called the '118 '.
The situation within a few tens of minutes it degenerated until his death at 8.45.
Masotti Everything happened in the barracks, home of the provincial command of the gun.
L 'immigrant had been stopped for inspection on Friday evening and arrested within hours for violation of the Bossi-Fini. The prosecutor on duty, Francesco Piantoni, has ordered an autopsy.
is not the first Bossi Fini but this time the victim of a suspicion of an "unusual" of violence applied to a recalcitrant foreign checks or a little later that the arrest would lead to a CIE is real, especially in a province such as the one marred by Brescia numerous incidents of xenophobia!
I sincerely hope that the suspicions are immediately thinned by applying all possible transparency of the case otherwise you will have a resurgence of outbreaks of protest from immigration in our country.
In no country should die shortly after an arrest or control in a police station, the state must ensure safety of citizens, after the case Cucchi, only the last legitimate suspicion ...

Upgrading from advancing vague suspicions of state in their article that there has been no signs of violence on the body of Senegal for the honest reporting of the news link with details.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

How Long Do You Have To Check In Before A Flight

Claus comes on December 14 and after the thirteenth, my children are crying desperately ... help me! Gleanings

Without words!
Speechless! ... No, but you understand it?

Forced Optimism again?

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"Someone explain to me how many crimes committed by the publication of secret documents to Wikileaks Assange the director, or because these Publications are an offense when they are not if they appear in The New York Times.
Why the Vatican considers irrelevant the dossier and then states be the disclosure of such a very serious ...?

It is curious, in Poland and in fact Scandinavian university admission is free for all and down to the "south" I think England or Italy there is a policy at least unscrupulous in terms of stupidity and masochism!
I think of the recent increases in tuition English or drama, the tsunami, the disaster that struck Italy Gelmini!

Wikileaks according to the Vatican and the Gospels: " the truth makes man free " the allusion is not accidental" Ok ... Put on the cross, but without much publicity to the condom! "might be but no doubt go better this definition:" Ok put on the cross so that makes us a "good" advertising condoms "alluding to 7bello laundry that will be exhibited in court as evidence against ....

serious Assange will also have "forgotten" to put the condom on the pea, but it seems to me infinitely more serious than Obama has not already put into the files that are now proliferating on the Internet.
I wonder if the Americans are wondering what the costs with the CIA and other agencies if the results only for money and expectations, here a tasty treat on the permeability of the file "secrets."
It explores through old photos and home movies of family, that's what investigators are looking (...) picture from the web at all relevant to the case Yara!
Brembate: 5 days ago the prosecutor said that the girl had been "raped and killed" a "clairvoyance" I must say!
Today "work to rebuild lives ..." Or so evident from the statements of the media ... all normal to assume that the case destabilize Padania felix and has decided to hold a profile in the optimistic statement, "the girl ran away with a friend 'will come soon on all screens "

heard on Dagospia: Look a bit 'what a great idea at the time of the vote on confidence Paolo Guzzanti is absent from the Chamber to go to the ATM to withdraw the seven thousand euro and the newspaper pays him every month , then went back home and says: "It is still a premier Berlusconi that pig?"

Da Daily Blitz-Cash the full solidarity of the group leader in PDL Veneto Regional Council, Dario Bond, Mayor of Cison Valmarino, Cristina Pin and against the continued theft by nomads had said that "should cut their hands."
Sharing value for what you said about thieves and criminals, "Bond said in a statement, then, the telephone, however, states:" Pin the mayor is a moderate. The cutting of the hands has a provocation, and I agree that the provocation. "
"I am appalled to think that some gooders - he adds - has led us also to allocate public housing to families di nomadi che vivono di furti. Il sindaco Pin non ragiona affatto da razzista ma reagisce schiettamente come tutti noi”.
(ndr:" noi non siamo razzisti sono loro che sono zingari ! ")
”Le nostre forze dell’ ordine sono efficienti – conclude Bond – e hanno il controllo del territorio. Noi non dobbiamo aver paura di sollecitare regole piu’ severe e pretendere certezza della pena”.
Non c'è che dire,le dichiarazioni si commentano da se sospese con disincanto estremo tra autoironia e sarcasmo del più Fetish SM fà proseliti nella "padania felix" !

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reactions Forza Nuova against Mayor Letizia Moratti of revocation based in Buenos Aires! "Democrats" to the bone!

Forza Nuova, Mayor Moratti
revoke the allocation of the Town Hall
The organization of far-right had won the local Palace Marinoin Buenos Aires
causing the initials of the anti-fascist protest. A decision agreed with the prefect

The mayor of Milan, Letizia Moratti, has revoked the award of a commercial space of 200 square meters in Buenos Aires and owned by the city's party Forza Nuova, which was awarded by public tender in evidence to make their own home.
The poster and the new headquarters
The decision of the mayor comes nine days after the expected opening new areas of extreme right-wing organization, on which he had already triggered a heated controversy on the part of many different anti-fascist symbols from the PNA to the Pd centers. In what has been learned the decision taken by the Mayor Moratti, was taken in consultation with the prefect of Milan, Gian Valerio Lombardi, and the public security authorities.
Here are the reactions that gave rise to the revocation in the same municipality of Milan , who opposed the granting of the Force based in New he gets accused of being a member of the Red Brigades!

Here is the advice of Forza Nuova event among the first few comments come to Indymedia Lombardia:

"Moratti bitch good for the cowardly turncoat Communists"
"... let rape by ugly negroid Letizia "
" Letizia six puttanona an old partisan "

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Rash On Eyes And Eye Lids


Check a video hard trans between a note and a national policy, whose name was not disclosed, of course, a little modesty of oblligo in Italy at no caste?
But that could soon end up in the media National notoriously "distracted" in the affairs of ass!
protagonist of 'sex tape', the trans Bari Manila Gorio, already known to most for his friendship with the escort Patrick D'Addario and familiar face of some private TV Puglia.
The Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, a few days ago, broke the news one night of fire between a politician and Gorio, during a private party last August 22 in Salento Pierpaolo Barbieri organized by the agent, a friend of Fabrizio Corona, which you say is prezzomelo like in those "affaires".
The DVD on which there would have been the video stolen in the night between 2 and 3 December in Piacenza, with the Ferrari of Barbieri. The Gorio, Puglia to the newspaper, said he would not be an escort, and that he secluded with men freely, both agree.
"It 'a name that I can not tell - he said - during the party I talked a lot with this person, then I let her go and we are apart. I do not know if those moments may or may not be finished on DVD.
"During the festival resumed many - still remembers the trans - but when I went there was nobody in the private room, I surprised if they came out on video at that meeting. Of course, if you jump out of this movie, it would raise a cloud of dust larger than that of the Berlusconi case-D'Addario.
Great suspense, therefore, everyone wants to know who it is and for now the research point towards You Porn Porn Hub or the well-known hard-sharing sites, I also recommend for me Emule, you never know, it's time in the Republic of mignottocrazia kleptomaniac to enter new genres.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Atheists spread their views. The direttore di radio maria risponde augurandogli il tumore

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Messenger For Mac Keeps Changing Name

FORZA GNOCCA ! Osteria delle ministre paraponzi ponzi po le ministre son maestre paraponzi ponzi po e se al letto son portento, figuriamoci in Parlamento...


Mara Carfagna
two MPs, both elected by
Force Celebrities , hate deeply.
were in the same parliamentary committee on the fourth floor of the House.
One called the other "psiconana" because of the height not exactly soaring. The other called it "psicotroia" alluding to the behavior rather casual. It is not enough that one of two have left the committee and has risen to positions of government, and the other party has changed in the meantime. The nicknames of the two, for those who have occasion to speak with them, they are still more 'in vogue than ever ... and circulating Web "sing praises" torrride and dedications.
(Alessandra Mussolini) Palazzo Grazioli who attends will have 'surely heard by the King of Bunga Bunga the usual self-referential joke of the week. An eighteen year old gets pregnant after a night with the President Council calls for hearing the frantic family and the father is interviewed personally by the prime minister to find a solution.

"I promise to take care of the girl and the baby" Berlusconi is proposing. "And in what way?" asks the girl's father. "I can guarantee a maintenance annuity of twenty thousand euro a month for her and the baby, an apartment property 'and any assistance necessary, will deal with my lawyers to prepare a deed about it," replies the knight. Then looks at his father and try to add: "Then, if the girl had an abortion ...". The father cuts him off sharply: "And no! If you should have an abortion, I'll ritrombi ..."

Miss Escort, the competition for women only successful
Incredible, but true, are preparing the first edition of a new beauty contest open to all women aged 18-40 years, divided into categories.

The voluntary association 'SOS Escort Miss' organizes and promotes the beauty contest Miss Escort, a national competition to reward the most beautiful escorts Escort Miss working, the competition just for girls successosul Italian territory. The association Escort Miss sponsoring the contest was created to make an official work, that of escort ever so present in politics, in sport and in the show and so far never in the thick of the media, read on ......

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You can vote in my news this page.

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Bergamo, striscioni e quintali sterco versati nella notte davanti all'abitazione della Gelmini


Protesters suggest a parallel between the shit and the bill to reform the universities.

Contestazione goliardiardica nei confronti del ministro dell'Istruzione, Mariastella Gelmini, la scorsa notte a Bergamo davanti alla sua abitazione. Per protestare contro la riforma, alcuni giovani hanno appeso uno striscione alla cancellata dell'edificio in cui vive il ministro e scaricato quintali di sterco sterco davanti al cancello del ministro.
Mariastella Gelmini Sterco davanti casa della Gelmini, gli studenti: La riforma è fatta di quello A supporre che l'azione possa portarle un pizzico di fortuna in più sul piano dell'immagine personale e più in generale dell'azione del governo.
" La città di Bergamo ospita nella sua roccaforte alta il ministro più amato da tutti gli studenti d'Italia - The authors wrote the initiative in a press release sent at a later time, the press - We violated this stronghold and unloaded in front of the house Gelmini 'natural' reaction to his reform .

Friday, December 3, 2010

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"Terrorismo psicologico contro il Web !" lo spot promosso da Emilio Fede! "Il web non è il diavolo e questo genere di spot equivale al razzismo!"

"With a face so true .... Emilio ?

Questo spot vuole instillare la paura,l'angoscia alla sola idea di condividere una informazione con qualcuno in rete,il suo scopo lo raggiunge con una facilità incredibile,potenza della comunicazione e degli esperti che l'hanno prodotta (...) mica difficile intravedere dietro questa produzione la volontà del "peggior" nemico del web per squisite ragioni politiche e personali specie dopo" l'Amaro Giuliani" !
E dopo lo scandalo cicisbeo Ruby o l'affaire "Bunga Bunga" in cui si adombra il sospetto che Lele Mora ed Emilio Fede siano indagati per induzione e sfruttamento della prostituzione...
Non c'è che dire:"da che pulpito...." !
Emilio fede tra le altre cose è colui che promosse su Rete4 una campagna di proteste telefoniche con un tanto di costo allo scatto da cui si suppone conoscendo il biscazziere che detraesse una percentuale da investire nei suoi pomeriggi al poker !

Lo scandalo Facebook,Emilio Fede e gli interessi di bottega del lustrascarpe di Papibanana

“Con l'inchiostro, una mano può innalzare un furfante e abbassare un galantuomo.”

" ...all'anagrafe Umilio Fido, è un illustre giornalista, serio, imparziale e soprattutto credibile. È anche l'omuncolo che ha inventato il Tg4, la prima parodia di un telegiornale. "  
"Il migliore giornalista del 
mondo, secondo me!"

irritates me so much that no one understood why ; Emilio Fede the perfect rug (...) the Humble Fido has unleashed a campaign alarmist, agonizing against Facebook.
As if he did not know who has not the slightest chance of competing influence, not even touching the hair of the ass last of the multinational, the respect not make the slightest illusion, however, understand why you post at the end of the trial ...
Pedophile threatens the alleged danger they could encounter the young, the addescamento via the Internet, via internet you can only obvious lure (...) good families who say their anxiety, their anxiety and so smugly questioned apprehension and friendly .... the doubt crept in souls "white" ...
Usual old media strategies and techniques from total manipulator, its pseudo review of research with a lot of interviews that give his comments to mean what it has at heart the purity of childhood (which, moreover, with a face as pedophile His ...) have a vested interest in well-concealed shop, even more than one, first of all the statistics office of policy research and review of the Knight probing the web day and night, and which must be held not one but a thousand battles lost in terms of image, consent to the Knight, his group Mediaset, and then force that is Italy or the "House of Liberty" in the world wide web, and especially the perceived threat from Facebook and (...) capiamoli poor things, have tried to buy all the media of the country and take it to that place from a nerd (...) American who comes up with this revolutionary software (...)
Capiamoli, the conquest of the average cost sums scary, processes, causes no end, and in short sentences now exceeded only by the technology may have decomposed reaction, hysterical squawking!
And then even less thinly-veiled desire to take revenge against a group of (...) " 're too young, too healthy, and so arrogant (...)" not pass without the hours put ridicolizandolo the cross, worst of Texas Rangers, and has the proven in thousands of ways to shut them down but to no avail groups is apparent, hence the revenge, evil, wretched as only he can conceive.
" The kind of lose the war but we will earn twice as much! "
Ma .. but we are not yet to the point, the true hidden secret reason that prompted him to move his campaign to have the illusion thanks to millions of viewers who are watching the boob tube in the ass literally, only one of the chopped 'influential is Antonio Ricci Striscia la notizia!
As for kids not megalomania Emilio Fede before him or only Silvio Papibanana .. which is the same thing.
Here, at the end of his Old moralistic crusade each evening offers the usual search time to vote yes or no answer, etc., if you read well below each text message sent to vote for the "research" costs 1 eurooooooooooo!
And you really want to contract me tell you what percentage of pockets on the TV promotions or 70/90.000 sms voting responses that come every three days or at worst a week?
Want to know what makes a month?
does what he lost last month on the gaming tables of the Principality of Monaco (Monte Carlo)
Got it now?! But what do you think the "shoe Language " Papibanana of the 'Fake Emilio Fede part in cross alone for free?!
If you believe yourselves to see a doctor!

Information and TG4:
legal analysis
della conduzione di Emilio Fede


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24 milioni di dentifrici con il "sole delle Alpi" invenduti!

Roberto Calderoli, ministro leghista per la Semplificazione, avrebbe sperperato soldi della Lega, ai tempi delle cooperative padane. L’accusa è pesante, di mezzo ci sono miliardi di vecchie lire, e la ricostruzione di quei fatti viene who was for years the League's internal environment.
Leonardo Facco is the author of "Umberto the Great, Emperor of Padania." An unauthorized biography of Senatùr written by an insider: former journalist and former League of Padania. Facco speaks of Calderoli about the Coop Po, an idea to finance the party then ended in disgrace. In essence it was a supermarket chain. In the book we read the words of Mario Morelli, the man who replaced Calderoli as head of Coop and found himself facing a budget to be frightening: from toothpaste made redundant buildings paid a blunder to the accounts lasciati in sospeso. E 24 milioni di confezioni di deodoranti con “il sole delle Alpi” rimaste tragicamente invendute.
Nel 1999 Morelli si trovò davanti un debito da un miliardo di lire. Al fallimento delle Coop è seguita anche la protesta di quei leghisti che avevano dato soldi a Calderoli, senza più averli indietro. Genesio Ferrari, ex segretario della Lega emiliana, aveva chiesto la restituzione di 10 milioni di lire, ma “il tutto si è risolto in una bolla di sapone”. Il lavoro di Facco si aggiunge poi alla simultanea presentazione di un altro libro, altrettanto duro nei confronti della Lega, ossia “Metastasi”, di Nuzzi e Antonelli, sui presunti relationship between the 'Ndrangheta and League.

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Castelli da il "puro e duro" della lega Nord al marcio e ladrone in combutta con la 'Ndrangheta !

from The Reform
Two regretted writing the story of Carrocciopoli
Alessandro Da Rold
Two books involving two senior members of the party. The owner of the simplification is accused of stealing from the League of Emilia in the warm period of cooperatives Po. Deputy Minister of Infrastructure would be the candidate instead "Gamma" favored by the Calabrian crime.
Two repentant. Two books. A truckload of manure on the Northern League of Umberto Bossi. There is no doubt that on Thursday, December 2, 2010 will not go down in history of the Northern League as an ordinary day. Why two books on the same day as Umberto Great, Emperor of Padania Leonardo Facco and Metastasis of Gianluigi Nuzzi and Claudio Antonelli, means the whole lid off Pandora's box of Belleri away, revealing what the Northern League has always tried to hide : domestic problems, funding for the children of Umberto Bossi, wiretapping and so awkward. The first is the heaviest. Facco, League for the first time, a former journalist of the Po Valley, reported in 480 pages tutta la vita del Senatùr, raccontandone misfatti, debolezze sessuali e di potere.
Nel secondo i due cronisti di Libero, non hanno incentrato il loro libro sui rapporti tra la ’ndrangheta e la Lega Nord, ma hanno comunque inserito in un capitolo una storia scomoda per i leghisti. Quella di “Gamma”, leghista di Lecco che ha iniziato a fare carriera nel suo feudo grazie anche all’aiuto dei voti della malavita organizzata. Ex ministro, dirigente di una certa importanza, nessuno ha osato dire il suo nome, ma l’unico che ha alzato la voce per replicare alle illazioni è stato Roberto Castelli, viceministro alle Infrastrutture.
Negli ambienti del Carroccio, si vocifera that there is one thing that unites the two books out these days in libraries. Both, in one way or another, they go to strike, in addition to Senatùr, the two leaders in recent months have lost more positions of power within the party. On the one hand Castle, on the other Roberto Calderoli, Minister for Simplification. It is useful to recall that the League was the only Lecco this summer to give an interview to the journal in which he told publicly for the party's internal problems. As happened at the same time Calderoli, finished on the grill for the deal Brancher, the Minister short of federalism, he also appeared on several trips daily to guard against that gli arrivavano dagli uffici di via Bellerio.
Sarà un caso, ma in questi mesi così difficili per la Lega Nord, tra cerchi magici, colonnelli, varesini e veneti, nel libro di Facco ci si sarebbe potuto aspettare qualcosa di più sul potente ministro dell’Interno Roberto Maroni. In realtà c’è ben poco, se non un richiamo alla caso Antonveneta, passando per spedizione in Serbia e la storia dei finanziamenti alla sua portavoce Isabella Votino. Quisquilie se messe in relazione ai file alla Wikileaks che riguardano Castelli e Calderoli. Perché se il primo viene di fatto associato alla malavita organizzata dal pentito Giuseppe Di Bella, sul secondo vengono persino pubblicati i documenti che testimonierebbero against an alleged theft of the League of Emilia in the warm period of the cooperative Po.
We start from the Minister for Simplification. On page 311 of Umberto Great, Sacco tells the story of "Coop made in Padania Scrl" bossiana being organized to finance the party, which ended in disaster almost as Credieuronord. President of the Coop at first it was just Calderoli. And through the words of Mario Morelli, a former board member of the supermarket chain, Facco calderoliani traces of all disasters, including toothpaste made redundant, real estate paid a blunder, flop and economic accounts left dormant. "Bossi, Calderoli Po and others - reads the book - a thought that pizzico di coraggio, un tantino d’inventiva, un po’ di voglia di fare mischiata all’improvvisazione fossero elementi sufficienti per il successo». In realtà la vicenda, oltre ad avere tratti grotteschi, tra cui quello di 24 milioni di buste di deodorante con il sole della alpi rimaste invendute, finì molto male.
Morelli, infatti, a cui fu data la presidenza dopo l’addio di Calderoli nel 1999, si ritrovò di fronte in poco tempo un debito di circa un miliardo di lire e un’azienda sull’orlo del fallimento. «Una mattina - racconta Morelli - Calderoli mi convocò nel suo ufficio chiedendomi di sostituirlo in quell’incarico. Motivò la sua richiesta col fatto that this position adversely affect the political relationship he had with Bossi. Besides, when he spoke of the situation Senatùr Morelli, Bossi did not take it well at all. "I replied with words of fire - reminds Morelli - directed against my predecessor Calderoli: thunder, lightning and thunderbolts." Not only that. The hot case is that the failure of the Coop has resulted in protests from those who had paid them money in the pockets of Calderoli. Emblematic of the letter Genesio Ferrari, a former League Secretary Emilia asking back the ten million pounds paid even with the help of militants: "Everything has turned into a soap bubble."
As for Castelli, is è già scritto molto. Ma il dato è comunque pesante, perché nel ’90 ci fu il boom di voti per i leghisti. Il pentito Di Bella, vicino al boss Coco Trovato, racconta a Nuzzi e Antonelli che la parola d’ordine tra le ’ndrine di Lecco era votare “Lega”: Gamma era il loro uomo di riferimento.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Small Bathroom Design Ideas


Arte al servizio della "Casa delle bambole"...non più un gioco pedagogico atto all'educazione della perfetta casalinga;delle miniaturizazioni perfette,stanno su un dito,a parte l'ammirazione per la raffinata realizazione artistica di Kim Burke queste micro opere che fanno venire l'acquolina alla bocca... vien da pensare,invitano ad una riflessione politica amara,i consumi agroalimentari nel "belpaese" si sono ritretti notevolmente tanto che queste opere potrebbero benissimo con la loro sostenibilissima ironia rientrare nella produzione dell'Arte Contemporanea.
Qui avete un'altra galleria:   "Yummy Yummy gnam gnam " buona per farci curiosare la nipotina senza dimenticare che certe carinerie (...) vanno giocate altrimenti altrimenti senno invece che dell'arte  si finisce per fabbricare della paccotiglia made in Hong kong buona per la boutique dei souvenir dietro l'angolo.
Enjoy your meal and perhaps with the Revolution around the corner for real and not just for fun!

Click the image to access a photo gallery full