Sunday, December 12, 2010

Adderall And Eyebrow Waxing

MEANING AND controsenso


"Someone explain to me how many crimes committed by the publication of secret documents to Wikileaks Assange the director, or because these Publications are an offense when they are not if they appear in The New York Times.
Why the Vatican considers irrelevant the dossier and then states be the disclosure of such a very serious ...?

It is curious, in Poland and in fact Scandinavian university admission is free for all and down to the "south" I think England or Italy there is a policy at least unscrupulous in terms of stupidity and masochism!
I think of the recent increases in tuition English or drama, the tsunami, the disaster that struck Italy Gelmini!

Wikileaks according to the Vatican and the Gospels: " the truth makes man free " the allusion is not accidental" Ok ... Put on the cross, but without much publicity to the condom! "might be but no doubt go better this definition:" Ok put on the cross so that makes us a "good" advertising condoms "alluding to 7bello laundry that will be exhibited in court as evidence against ....

serious Assange will also have "forgotten" to put the condom on the pea, but it seems to me infinitely more serious than Obama has not already put into the files that are now proliferating on the Internet.
I wonder if the Americans are wondering what the costs with the CIA and other agencies if the results only for money and expectations, here a tasty treat on the permeability of the file "secrets."
It explores through old photos and home movies of family, that's what investigators are looking (...) picture from the web at all relevant to the case Yara!
Brembate: 5 days ago the prosecutor said that the girl had been "raped and killed" a "clairvoyance" I must say!
Today "work to rebuild lives ..." Or so evident from the statements of the media ... all normal to assume that the case destabilize Padania felix and has decided to hold a profile in the optimistic statement, "the girl ran away with a friend 'will come soon on all screens "

heard on Dagospia: Look a bit 'what a great idea at the time of the vote on confidence Paolo Guzzanti is absent from the Chamber to go to the ATM to withdraw the seven thousand euro and the newspaper pays him every month , then went back home and says: "It is still a premier Berlusconi that pig?"

Da Daily Blitz-Cash the full solidarity of the group leader in PDL Veneto Regional Council, Dario Bond, Mayor of Cison Valmarino, Cristina Pin and against the continued theft by nomads had said that "should cut their hands."
Sharing value for what you said about thieves and criminals, "Bond said in a statement, then, the telephone, however, states:" Pin the mayor is a moderate. The cutting of the hands has a provocation, and I agree that the provocation. "
"I am appalled to think that some gooders - he adds - has led us also to allocate public housing to families di nomadi che vivono di furti. Il sindaco Pin non ragiona affatto da razzista ma reagisce schiettamente come tutti noi”.
(ndr:" noi non siamo razzisti sono loro che sono zingari ! ")
”Le nostre forze dell’ ordine sono efficienti – conclude Bond – e hanno il controllo del territorio. Noi non dobbiamo aver paura di sollecitare regole piu’ severe e pretendere certezza della pena”.
Non c'è che dire,le dichiarazioni si commentano da se sospese con disincanto estremo tra autoironia e sarcasmo del più Fetish SM fà proseliti nella "padania felix" !


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