Friday, December 3, 2010

Mini Prime Broker Rankings

"Terrorismo psicologico contro il Web !" lo spot promosso da Emilio Fede! "Il web non è il diavolo e questo genere di spot equivale al razzismo!"

"With a face so true .... Emilio ?

Questo spot vuole instillare la paura,l'angoscia alla sola idea di condividere una informazione con qualcuno in rete,il suo scopo lo raggiunge con una facilità incredibile,potenza della comunicazione e degli esperti che l'hanno prodotta (...) mica difficile intravedere dietro questa produzione la volontà del "peggior" nemico del web per squisite ragioni politiche e personali specie dopo" l'Amaro Giuliani" !
E dopo lo scandalo cicisbeo Ruby o l'affaire "Bunga Bunga" in cui si adombra il sospetto che Lele Mora ed Emilio Fede siano indagati per induzione e sfruttamento della prostituzione...
Non c'è che dire:"da che pulpito...." !
Emilio fede tra le altre cose è colui che promosse su Rete4 una campagna di proteste telefoniche con un tanto di costo allo scatto da cui si suppone conoscendo il biscazziere che detraesse una percentuale da investire nei suoi pomeriggi al poker !

Lo scandalo Facebook,Emilio Fede e gli interessi di bottega del lustrascarpe di Papibanana

“Con l'inchiostro, una mano può innalzare un furfante e abbassare un galantuomo.”

" ...all'anagrafe Umilio Fido, è un illustre giornalista, serio, imparziale e soprattutto credibile. È anche l'omuncolo che ha inventato il Tg4, la prima parodia di un telegiornale. "  
"Il migliore giornalista del 
mondo, secondo me!"

irritates me so much that no one understood why ; Emilio Fede the perfect rug (...) the Humble Fido has unleashed a campaign alarmist, agonizing against Facebook.
As if he did not know who has not the slightest chance of competing influence, not even touching the hair of the ass last of the multinational, the respect not make the slightest illusion, however, understand why you post at the end of the trial ...
Pedophile threatens the alleged danger they could encounter the young, the addescamento via the Internet, via internet you can only obvious lure (...) good families who say their anxiety, their anxiety and so smugly questioned apprehension and friendly .... the doubt crept in souls "white" ...
Usual old media strategies and techniques from total manipulator, its pseudo review of research with a lot of interviews that give his comments to mean what it has at heart the purity of childhood (which, moreover, with a face as pedophile His ...) have a vested interest in well-concealed shop, even more than one, first of all the statistics office of policy research and review of the Knight probing the web day and night, and which must be held not one but a thousand battles lost in terms of image, consent to the Knight, his group Mediaset, and then force that is Italy or the "House of Liberty" in the world wide web, and especially the perceived threat from Facebook and (...) capiamoli poor things, have tried to buy all the media of the country and take it to that place from a nerd (...) American who comes up with this revolutionary software (...)
Capiamoli, the conquest of the average cost sums scary, processes, causes no end, and in short sentences now exceeded only by the technology may have decomposed reaction, hysterical squawking!
And then even less thinly-veiled desire to take revenge against a group of (...) " 're too young, too healthy, and so arrogant (...)" not pass without the hours put ridicolizandolo the cross, worst of Texas Rangers, and has the proven in thousands of ways to shut them down but to no avail groups is apparent, hence the revenge, evil, wretched as only he can conceive.
" The kind of lose the war but we will earn twice as much! "
Ma .. but we are not yet to the point, the true hidden secret reason that prompted him to move his campaign to have the illusion thanks to millions of viewers who are watching the boob tube in the ass literally, only one of the chopped 'influential is Antonio Ricci Striscia la notizia!
As for kids not megalomania Emilio Fede before him or only Silvio Papibanana .. which is the same thing.
Here, at the end of his Old moralistic crusade each evening offers the usual search time to vote yes or no answer, etc., if you read well below each text message sent to vote for the "research" costs 1 eurooooooooooo!
And you really want to contract me tell you what percentage of pockets on the TV promotions or 70/90.000 sms voting responses that come every three days or at worst a week?
Want to know what makes a month?
does what he lost last month on the gaming tables of the Principality of Monaco (Monte Carlo)
Got it now?! But what do you think the "shoe Language " Papibanana of the 'Fake Emilio Fede part in cross alone for free?!
If you believe yourselves to see a doctor!

Information and TG4:
legal analysis
della conduzione di Emilio Fede



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