Monday, February 28, 2011

I Have A Rash On My Forehead

In February
Folgore da San Gimignano

And in February I give you good hunting
Di Cerbo, cavrïuoli and boar,
short skirts with big boots and
company You will be delighted e piaccia;

can da guinzagli e segugi da traccia,
e le borse fornite di danari,
ad onta degli scarsi e degli avari,
o chi di questo vi dà briga e 'mpaccia;

E la sera tornar co' vostri fanti
carcati dalla molta selvaggina,
avendo gioia ed allegrezza e canti;

Far trar del vino e fummar la cucina,
e fin al primo sonno star razzanti;
e poi posar infino alla mattina.

Di Febbraio
Cenne da la Chitarra

Di febbraio vi metto in vile ghiaccia
con orsi grandi vecchi montanari,
e voi cacciando con rotti calzari;
la nieve metta sempre e si disfaccia.

E quel che like the one on the other dislike:
with reluctance and foot well bacalari;
back then in the evening to obstruct loved ones, their wives
weave cloth and weaves sword.

And this' vo 'you are without coats, with
of apple wine, which sharpens the stomach;
in this' great hotels sighs and tears,

earthquakes, winds, and not be with ruin, but are so strong
, from which each smanti
enfin first evening in the morning.

is February and the world is headed down, but by
banquets and in the square,
without pain and dressing Harlequin
goes crazy carnival, the carnival goes crazy.
The winter is long, but in the heart
is hope,
in the early days of sick sun
spring dance, the spring dance.

Acoustic Solutions Tv Problems

The past flows of life

Katsushika Hokusai , from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji

But the tides, as well as treasures escape to the beach, so bring them back to the surface.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Congratulate Your Friend On Her Marriage

No more angels

I really have melted his balls, angels.

Since this here is a country where girls and boys, for boys and girls if they kill a lot, we must say a little 'things as they are. Brutally, and even at the risk of appearing insensitive. A thirteen year-old found stabbed to death after months in a field reduced to a lump of horror, not is an angel: a cadaver. It will not go into any "heaven", but the morgue. They must get their parents or relatives to recognize it, and you can imagine it. There was someone who did this, for reasons which are not known, but at least it is legitimate to imagine. Who took a subject with which he ended his life so atrocious, so here is just the antithesis of the angel, the ogre. Everything seems to be reduced to fairy tales: that of religion for those who suffer, and the "secular" for those who offend. Here comes the surprise pastor and is also playing the bells, because (his words) "there is now more of an angel in heaven and we must celebrate." I would be so many, and perhaps too many, by say about this sentence better to resort to no comment, silence. I wonder if you have played the bells of the church where power was found the mummy of another young girl, up in the attic.

Catholic This country has become a factory of angels. We think very often the families themselves, perhaps by the father more or less separate , depressed, just so , zac, flying angels and I do not miss ever. Then there are those, and especially, slamming against the wall every day of the true dominant feeling, indifference, and indifference is all the more irrelevant the more theatrical, angelic, shouted. At the focal point of the matter never go: a society and a culture they consider life as a possession and as a commodity. Everything can be taken, bought, used, thrown away. And even the orcs have nothing to do here, the orcs do not exist as there are no angels and other bullshit like that. A rejection means death, and immediate. Open a bank account means blood. A separation means extermination. Then think about angels, but the Angels actually have to be minors. The hundreds of women each year are killed, however, have no right to be angels and they can go directly to the morgue and the pit without any digression in heaven.

Who is going to rape and kill a girl is not interested and neither angels nor demons, neither ogres nor fairy tales. He identified the prey and proceeds. He does not care if it will or will do away with it. It is not an ogre: a human being, because it is wrong to attribute to the term "humanity" meanings always positive. Humanity are thousands of years of violence, oppression, and death. There have been millions of Yare, and nothing has changed, and has not changed because everything is always gone in one direction. The direction of impotence in the face of force. The reverse roles immutable, coded, made law. The verse that has always been obliged in the name of a thousand things, using hours and hours of angels with sticks, hours and hours of madonnas of knives, hours and hours of the sacraments of blackmail.

I'm not interested consolations; forced to console the sky, we were cheated, and as always, all the earth. What interests me is that there are more girls stopped while returning home, take a place on some pretext or strength, and then raped and killed like animals. Of course, we should like to say, change their mentality ; operate a personal and collective, and apply that path themselves. But to do so, we need very specific tools, especially need the ability to think, to observe, to draw conclusions. This age is in exactly the opposite direction: towards the stupidity, to consider the thought as a nuisance useless flock to the more ferocious as it can be controlled and shaped. Desert, yes, but few are willing to do it really, really good and without any means to have a real impact on society. You encounter enemies too powerful, with power, with the "traditional cultures", religions, anesthetized with the masses.

But, a lot, think about the angels. How many dozens of girls, even and especially those whose story will not rise to the headlines, it's up to mount the wings? L ' Angel Kit ready in the mind of some parent, a relative, friend of some , some perfect Unknown? And what to wear, then all these angels? Fear, insecurity, silence, total closures on a personal level and community, forks, applauds the coffins, homilies, church bells, "justice" well with the charges for moderation. The angels have invented them the standard bearers of submission and we would like, however, the demons of reflection, the rejection of any fixed role of fight.

Not only angels. They invented the light earth, the hope and all those other crap. The earth is cold, it stinks, it's heavy. Hope is good only for fools. We must be against hope, because it is the main instrument of oppression. Not angels, but agitators of sleep and consciousness. Boxes away from these little creatures asexual, because the girls are killed to put a dick in a pussy. Outside the balls all the palliatives that only serve to perpetuate the deception forever. Flown into the homes of angels in heaven we are caught by the paparazzi window.

I Will Not Pikachu In The Shower

This above all

Frida Kahlo, What the water gave me , 1939

"This above all: be true to yourself"

Shakespeare, Hamlet


Friday, February 25, 2011

Wella Koleston Color Chart

D Swytzer im Waald (reprise)

This blog has, by now, almost four years, and in four years there were written words. Infinity. There are now things that are literally buried in it, and this evening I'm going to repeat, it belongs to its prehistory. I had originally written for the old blog no longer exists, and then slipped in here May 16, 2007, ie after only two days after opening of the 'Ekbloggethi.

writer, even if a purely amateur like myself, without any aspiration to be a right, but only for the sheer pleasure of it, not in my opinion the right to make aesthetic criteria or the rankings. I do not like at all the "analysis" is that even great authors have their works; typical case, the "Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe. I do not like talking to him. The writer could, at best, make the pleasure more or less to have written a thing, and talk of memories that, after some time, this thing can generate. This thing that you will read, or reread, is one of those that I most like to have written. Tonight, just by chance and without any reason, is something I take a little 'homesick.

is a story that comes a bit 'by a song, a little' one mistake and a bit 'from the place where I lived when I wrote it: Switzerland. Strange place, where I was constantly in search of "grains de folie." The song is "Sally" Fabrizio de André, reasonably well-known episode in which De André, during a concert, I made a mistake by putting the text into the forest instead of the Swiss gypsies. I came to build on a short story, its title, the Germanic dialect that is spoken in these parts, means appunto "Gli svizzeri nel bosco". Stando allora lontano dalla Toscana, tendevo a scrivere usando parole e forme dialettali (ad esempio, "doventate" per "diventate"); non era un vezzo, ma una lieve forma di sopravvivenza. Vista l'ambientazione, la cosa può creare un effetto un po' comico, o fors'anche ridicolo; ma mi veniva così, allora.

Il Rheindurchbruch sulla Via Mala.

Kohlrabi, Re dei Topi, de müüser syn chünig , aveva qualche problema di respirazione. Tutta colpa di quei maledetti copertoni bruciati da non si sa chi; il fumo denso gli provocava the uncontrollable coughing fits that made him spit out the brain and lungs. The fact was that he had to live in those woods, hunted by the police when they came looking for him on the Via Mala, far away from there, around him what little he had left the band, a bunch of aging, wrinkles, antiquated rifles, clothes torn to canvas. He had been the nickname of King, who had won when commanded by the attacks on cars that ventured bad place for those strangely shaped stones, Devil's Bridge, the tunnels dug into the rock, acuminatezze appalling.

He had talked so much, in the postwar years, the band of the Mouse King, when he was still Kohlrabi a tall young man more than six feet and a du 'arms are like oaks, is said to have learned the craft from his father, who had come alone to rob all the passengers of the coach of the St. Gotthard ambush on flicker with a fake gun made of wood, but so good as to seem ready to fire at any moment. Then she had an aggregate bandwidth, which in moments of gold in the mid 50s and early 60s, he could count on almost twenty fellows ready for anything. And there was never to take him to, those bloody, more and more daring, more and more arrogant, more and more in the nightmares of good citizens who wanted law and order. It was the Via Mala returned to live up to its name.

the band was part of Wilhelm Tell, who was not a nickname. His name was really Wilhelm by name, surname and Tell. Then there was Goldfischli Hartmann. Fish and hard man of gold, this volevan say his name and his surname, but for all it was only the Golden Fish, d goldfischli even as we read about warnings of research in police stations and gendarmerie. The specialty of these two was easy, because there was not much finesse to be expected in these parts, if a passenger was rebelling, or trying to be clever, it stretched to blows. Then he cleaned up. Everything, except the machine or the bike so take half transport them the death penalty, and had never killed anyone. And how did lorsignori anger, that there had never escaped the dead because, as logic dictates, those who were robbed us they had to have something to be rob. Kohlrabi

the band was touched to learn a bit 'of English and French, German and even something normal, because the victims were doventate prefer the rich foreign tourists that climb that road attracted by brochures agencies extolling "the wild and haunting beauty of the place." There was Pilar, who was not at all, as often happens in these stories, the woman of someone or more than one. It was a band like the others. He carried weapons like the others. Pulling punches like the others. He shared the spoils as the others. Judicial reports to be passed as the Meli Pilar, because his family grew apples and pears, among other things, producing an excellent "birnel" but his name was Pilar Bergschänzli and that his exotic name to his father, devourer of novels adventures. He had taken over from the "beautiful Pilar" a story by Karl May, who was also, through no fault of his, the writer Adolf Hitler's favorite. Karl May dressed as a Native American chief in a famous image. And these were those who had remained with Kohlrabi in the forest far away, a rare lowland, on the edge of a dirt road by car faster, more powerful, more and more noisy. No one dared stop them, now that the years had passed and it was not nothing left nowhere to hide. Who would have thought that people would go to a mountain refuge in a flat?

It had sprung up in the plain houses, and roads, and electric and telephone lines and industrial buildings, only that piece of wood was left, though he was certain that, sooner or later he would be torn down to do something. There were fleeing arrived when the band in April 1968, was a betrayal by the police for smashes. He was one of the newcomers, an intellectual city of Zurich who, convinced of the revolutionary delle azioni della banda del Re dei Topi, aveva voluto unirsi per condividere quella che vedeva come una lotta contro il sistema borghese. A qualche commentatore non era sfuggito il quasi perfetto parallelismo con Régis Debray, l'intellettuale francese che s'era immischiato nell'avventura boliviana del Che Guevara, e che con le sue stronzate aveva contribuito non poco alla sua cattura, seppure un ben preciso tradimento non sia mai stato appurato. E così l'intellettuale zurighese, Karl Wolfschwanz, s'era accorto che la banda di Kohlrabi non lottava proprio per un bel nulla, ma rapinava. Che la vita era durissima, in clandestinità. Che Pilar non gliel'avrebbe data nemmeno se l'avesse implorata in usbecco. Che di notte faceva un freddo boia anche d'estate, to those shares. That healthy eating mountain had broken my balls after a month. And that in and its Kohlrabi, certain speeches care at the right ovverossia nothing.

There are already those who began to think about how to get rid of Wolfschwanz not hurt him when it hurt them and went to squeal to the police in Chur with the promise of impunity and with the comfort of a cafe and a plate of hot sausage with potatoes. He had noticed how those bastards in the name of the proletariat which is being fought. She had told all he knew, hiding places, habits, description, and the police, even a cold morning, he had closed the first Via Mala from both sides, and then she came in forze. Di ventisette membri della banda, ne erano stati catturati ventitré; tra di loro anche un italiano di Genova, uno di cui si diceva scrivesse canzoni e poesie, ma che era lestissimo di mano e che aveva saputo, pur nato marinaio, adattarsi a quella vita con sorprendente rapidità. Si chiamava Fabrizio; fu condannato a quindici anni di galera, ma evase dopo meno di un anno imbarcandosi poi con falso nome su un cargo inglese, la London Valour . Di lui si son perse le tracce dopo il famoso naufragio di quella nave, proprio sul porto di Genova, a due passi da casa sua.

Quattro scapparono. Kohlrabi, il Re dei Topi. Pilar dei Meli. Il Pesciolino d'Oro e Gugliemo Tell. Non si sa come, qualche tempo dopo gli operai che, for maintenance, were emptying a pond at the foot of the Bernina, Rotensee (so called because its waters were colored red at times for the action of a bacterium), saw an arm sticking out slime. And then a leg. And then another boom. And a corpse that was identified with that of the fatigue that Karl Wolfschwanz, Zurich, a professional journalist for a newspaper right from which he had taken to railing against the enemies of the bourgeois state of epic writing articles against the French students and to encourage General De Gaulle. Rotensee Since then, the red lake, became the Totensee , the lake of the dead.

had continued to run for months and months for the whole country, nascondendosi nei posti più impensati. Il Re dei Topi, de müüser syn chünig , aveva mangiato topi assieme ai suoi; e Pilar scherzava chiamandolo cannibale, e Guglielmo Tell sognava russando, e il Pesciolino d'Oro voleva per la prima volta nella sua vita andare verso il mare, invidiando Fabrizio quando s'era diffusa la notizia della sua evasione dal carcere (al suo posto, in cella, i secondini avevano ritrovato un pupazzo impiccato a un chiodo, fatto con la paglia del materasso e con le lenzuola). Alla fine avevano trovato quel bosco quasi dimenticato. C'erano funghi. A dormire all'addiaccio erano abituati. Un giorno era persino arrivata una capra, perdutasi da qualche ovile o da chissà dove. E le armi si arrugginivano, time and rusted, and they had finally not even the fear of arrugginir'essi themselves, that perhaps they had forgotten them and believed them abroad or dead. One day, said the Mouse King to the other, we will return to the Via Mala. One day we will return there. We never returned.

And perhaps this story should end here, we should leave the Mouse King and his three companions in peace, to finish their lives as trees in the forest. Because the trees they had got talking, and that conversations were, and the trees and listened politely nodded with the foliage in spring and winter with the skeletal branches. Yes, we should end it right here if it were not for that little girl. He lived with his family in a chalet prefabbricata sulla nuova viabilità ad est del bosco. Cittadini incampagnati, i suoi s'eran ritrovati di nuovo quasi in città quando la zona s'era pian piano inurbata. La madre lavorava in un biscottificio della zona, mentre il padre scriveva recensioni televisive per la rivista Teleschauer . E a forza di sorbirsi ogni sorta di programma, s'era appassionato all'opere del sapone e alle telenovelle americane, argentine, brasilere, messicane; la figlia, una bimbetta biondissima di sette anni, aveva deciso di chiamarla Sally dalla protagonista di Febbre di passione , una telenovella colombiana che, una volta terminata dopo undici anni, stava proseguendo da altri otto con il titolo di Vento d'amore .

As the only daughter of the couple, Sally was terribly spoiled, pampered, stuffed, antipaticissima. A real pain in the ass fair-haired. But he also had the spirit of adventure and conflict of all children and most parents told her not to go play in the woods, the more she went there. In the forest, alternated to warn the father and mother, there were gypsies. And in addition to the gypsies were Islamic terrorists that they would put the burka and then they packed with explosives and blown up at a border crossing in the Gaza Strip. And in addition to Islamic terrorists were thieves, murderers and rapists. The shaven had finally that damned forest; the rest was a matter of little, and Zschokke Batigroup us they had already laid eyes on him for quite a Megacentre business when he felt so much need in that area where there were already other twenty-two. You do not play with the gypsies in the woods, they said, and she was always playing. Even if they were not gypsies, but four strange guys, three men and a woman who told stories even stranger in a dialect that Sally did not always understand.

Once he returned home, and the reproaches of his father, said he had met with William Tell. The father ran to the police to ask about him. And so Sally had fun with those people, who had taken almost to love her and that made her do what wanted, including climbing trees and getting dirty as a pigsty. They had prepared the dish of wood, with side dishes of mushrooms flavored with mushrooms and other fungi. Every now and then Sally, returning from the woods, stopped to greet a middle-aged whore who lived in a trailer with plate 44 of Nantes and who called himself La Blanche Biche . That then, he told stories of strange, even for once to have been dismembered and eaten by dogs in his brother's dining room from the guests. The parents did not know which way to turn and began to smell something. In this forest there must have been to force someone. Have not been nor gypsies, nor Islamic terrorists, but it thieves or bandits sure, who else can live in a forest?

They got Sally to do the trick question, in which the child will not fall because his friends never taught her what he had to respond and she also strove to add lie to lie in, but with such naturalness that It all seemed very true. In the forest, "said Sally, I'm going to play tambourine with the trees because the ball bounces off a tree trunk to another and pursue it without letting it fall to the ground is a blast. And in the woods, "said Sally again, I go there because I met a golden fish and the Mouse King who tell me their stories, and it was all true, only parents they had not ever heard of. What satisfaction tell lies by telling the truth. There is not better. In the stories

Passaniti the early years, and we do not make any exception. He spent another five or six, maybe ten or twelve. Perhaps the past has passed today and has run pushed into the future. Who knows. And who wants to know. Sally had almost finished high school and had become one of those beautiful girls every day, those who meet in the street in intabarrate shirt or jacket. One of those that make a beautiful world without knowing it. He was always curious. Still unpleasant, but only with those who went though. She had put two or three guys who had discovered a most idiotic of the other. And because the parents had recommended to study for a solid and secure profession, and to enroll in science or economics bank, she had wanted to set a degree in Greek literature and reading in secret Hesiod, Euripides, Sophocles and Lucian, as if they were hazardous authors of banned books . He did not know anyone except his four friends in the woods every so often came with books and began to read, in Pilar particularly liked the true story of Lucian, because it reminded her of her life and that a bad compagni.Fu prim'ottobre day that Sally, arriving in the woods with books and with the drum and found the Mouse King, de müüser syn chünig , the Golden Fish and William Tell in tears. Where

Pilar? Asked. They said to her that she was dead. Who had found stabbed near a bridge, and that no one knew who he was. Sally dropped the books and the tambourine in hand. He asked where it was. They told her that police had taken away, perhaps to do an autopsy at the morgue. They told her that crying would never see her again. They told her they would cut to pieces. Sally came home running, his father watched the soap opera professionally Even pigs like the mother in the corridor, was kissing the Polish plumber who was the lover of six years without his father if he had never noticed the slightest. He went to his room and took a backpack, put in the things he most cherished. Poi se ne andò e non disse neppure a sua madre che non sarebbe tornata. Del resto era già in camera a fare l'amore con l'idraulico. Suo padre era passato all'analisi di costume dell'ultimo reality show, L'isola dei condannati , basato su un vecchio romanzo di Stig Dagerman, dove dei vip venivano rinchiusi all'Isola del Diavolo e costretti a vivere nelle stesse condizioni di Dreyfus e di Guillaume Seznec. Vinceva chi riusciva a evadere, ma già due calciatori, una top model e un cantante erano stati divorati dagli squali facendo schizzare l'audience a livelli mai visti prima.

Tornò nel bosco. E disse loro che era ora di raccogliere le forze e di riprendere il passo duro, quello di montagna. Lo dovevano a Pilar. Dovevano tornare sulla Via Mala. Dovevano insegnarle come si rapinano le automobili. E comprare delle armi nuove, ché quelle che avevano non servivano ormai più a niente. Si sentirono degli scricchiolii d'ossa e dei mugugni. Si sentirono degli E se ci riconoscono, e se ci prendono ; ma Sally, nello zaino, aveva infilato pure la Smith & Wesson del padre nascondendola nella custodia delle commedie di Aristofane.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where Are The Dragon Papers In Poptropica

Модерная масскоммуникация

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

After Cataract Surgery Marijuana

Small portable history

October 23, 1911

During the Italo-Turkish War for possession of a Libyan pilot of the newly formed Italian Air Force, Captain Carlo Maria Piazza, flies for the first time enemy lines in an aircraft . A few days later, another Italian aviator Giulio Gavotti, releases for the first time in history a bomb from the sky. The first air raid in history consists of a device only slightly larger than an orange, hand-launched from Gavotti on Turkish troops. On October 18, 1912 Libya, Tripoli or , is conquered by Italy.

September 16, 1931

Following the anti-colonial guerrilla libica, guidata da Omar al-Mukhtar el-Senussi, Mussolini affida al generale Rodolfo Graziani il compito di stroncarla nel sangue. Vengono usati tutti i metodi, compresi la distruzione totale di alcuni villaggi e il primo bombardamento aereo a tappeto, per annientare l'oasi di Cufra. Omar al-Mukhtar è catturato l'11 settembre 1931; il 15 settembre si svolge nel Palazzo Littorio di Bengasi un processo-farsa, con la sentenza già dettata da Mussolini in persona: morte. Viene arrestato persino il difensore d'ufficio di al-Mukhtar, l'avvocato Roberto Lontano; aveva interpretato colpevolmente alla lettera il suo ruolo. Alle 9 del mattino del 16 settembre 1931, Omar al-Mukhtar è portato a Solluch, in Cirenaica, ed impiccato davanti a twenty thousand people. He was seventy years old. His last words were a verse from the Koran: "To God we belong and to Him we return" . The photo is of his arrest showed off by Colonel Gaddafi during his first official visit to Italy.

January 19, 1943

Libya was occupied by Allied armies, ending the Italian colonial all'amministrazone the majority of Italians remain in Libya, known familiarly box of sand.

December 24, 1951

Libya declares its independence as United Kingdom of Libya. First The King and Idris al-Senussi, belonging to the same family of Omar al-Mukhtar. Libya comes in the UN 14 December 1955 and in April the same year began oil exploration. In February of 1963 starting with exports of oil lying in abundance in the sand of the box. On April 25, 1963, while Italy is celebrating the 18th anniversary of the Liberation , the kingdom of Libya abolished the federal form of state.

1 July 1962

From the "Preface" to the first edition of the Arabic Course "dr. Mario Gerardo Dall'Arche OFM (Ordo Fratrum Minorum) - Edizioni Franciscan Library, 2 Piazza Sant'Angelo, Milan

"I wrote this grammar, especially for students of Italian secondary schools, with the aim of settling the most of the difficulties they encounter in the study of Arabic. [...] confident that my work will facilitate the study of Arabic to our young people, I wish them a greater knowledge of languages, the source of understanding, sympathy and brotherhood among peoples "- Gerardo Mario Dall'Arche, Tripoli, Libya (sic ) , 1 July 1962.

1 May 1969

From the preface to the third edition of the Arabic Course "of dr. Mario Gerardo Dall'Arche OFM

"Hoping that this reprint will contribute to a better understanding of the Arabic language among our youth, I wish them a more lively interest in the peoples of North Africa and the Near East, who are reliving a period of promising youth "- Gerardo Mario Dall'Arche, Tripoli, Libya (again sic), 1 May 1969.

1 September 1969

King Idris I was deposed by a coup done by some officers Nasserites; provisional head of State is appointed a young and unknown Colonel al-Qadhafi Mu'ammar in Italy dubbed Gaddafi. System of setting the Arab-socialist nationalization of resources.

Spring 1970 - October 15, 1970

are confiscated all the assets of Italian citizens residing in Libya. By October 15, all Italians are expelled from the country.

February 22, 1980

has nothing to do? And I just let go.

April 15, 1986

Colonel Gaddafi, for all the world, a terrorist , indeed, the main terrorist in the world. Libya a rogue country. The U.S. president, Ronald Reagan decided to bomb Libya, arguing that it would be "the only language that Gaddafi will." Libya, the land chosen for the bombings. It struck the presidential palace of Tripoli, died a young adopted son of Gaddafi. Two Libyan missiles to no avail trying to land on Lampedusa, the Manifesto headline: "We have put into war." Gaddafi is the Arab Socialist leader : develops the Italian left, resurgence of pacifism. Giorgio Forattini, then Republic of cartoonist, draws the main exponents of the PCI and other formations of left while marching in a banner with the words: Hands off lìbbico to value people. If the Internet had existed in 1986, blogs, Facebook and so on, would have been invaded dall'effigie of Colonel Gaddafi, courageous resistance against the Gendarme Planetarium.

February 2011.

Silvio Berlusconi.
Silvio Berlusconi.
Silvio B.
S. Berlusconi In

blogroll I have so many beautiful blog of anarchy, left, of all things. Today is the day of Gaddafi and Berlusconi. Berlusconi and Gaddafi together. Berlusconi kisses the hand of Gaddafi. Outline: Berlusconi and Ben Ali. Mubarak and Berlusconi. Gaddafi, leader of a secular, iron fist against all of Islam, fundamentalist or not, as Saddam Hussein. He also Arabic and socialist, as I recall. In the "left" Italian Gaddafi became the devil when he declared his friendship with Berlusconi. Suddenly they noticed all that Gaddafi is a dictator. Libya, a land of air bombardments; Gaddafi makes mercenaries shot at the crowd niggas (well-known historical racism and secular of the Arab peoples to the sub-Saharan Africa, even Islamized) Gaddafi makes bomb the demonstrators by aviation. Despite all this, Gaddafi is a piece of shit mainly because it is a friend of Berlusconi. Everything here revolves around Berlusconi. What would we do without Berlusconi, luckily for Silvio.

basic concerns: the refugees, the landings, the gas, the oil . And when Gaddafi came into the Fiat? And when he sent his son to play in Perugia Gaucci? And when was the hero armed resistance against Reaganism? Gaddafi is, too, to get rid of Berlusconi. Indeed, more bombing events, and the more I get rid of. Berlusconi, for that matter, is also a friend of Putin, one that has razed Chechnya. But Chechnya is far away and not directly gasdotteggia, Libya, by contrast, is near. Too close. Gaddafi and his bombings, however, give us a hand to get rid of Berlusconi, mica it will take to the streets and give the assault to the House, no?

February 22, 2010
State Minister Italian keeper, Alfano: "It 's unacceptable assault and massacre of the demonstrators. In Italy this could never happen, because Italy is a democracy."

Tripoli of Liguria, in July 2001

November 26, 2014, at the club "Antonio Gramsci" Party Demorenziano outskirts of Florence.

"'Nsomma, Piero, te lo dicevo io tre anni fa...'e gli è andaha a finì che so' arrivahi dugentomila crandestini, porcoddio! Sì lo so che 'un si pole bestemmiare, però ti rendi 'honto? E noi tutti lì a dagni addosso a qui' poeromo...poi l'hanno pure 'mpiccaho! 'E gli era amiho d'i' Berlusca, e daccordo poi tutti a 'ndignàssegnene, 'e ci serviva per leàccelo di hulo, lui, le donne, i' ppopoloviola che pe' me l'uniho popolo viola 'e gli è quello della Fiorentina...! Però poi la benzina a sei euri a i' litro, i' gàsse tagliato, e ora in Libia 'e c'ènno gli slàmici che pe' me 'e ciaveva ragione la Fallaci, artroché! Lo sai icché ti diho, Piero? Pe' me 'e bombardàlli was good at, this' dirty! It was the best Mubaràcche! Poer Gaddafi, so that he was a mate! "

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The shop, with one room, which sells hope

Gianni Rodari Archbishop pastures play kite with the Holy Trinity (with sun) 1973 + sweetness of life different 1972

Hope If

I had a little shop
made of a single room

I would like to sell you know what? Hope.

"Hope is cheap!"
For a penny they would give to a
solo cliente
quanto basta per sei.

E alla povera gente
che non ha da campare
darei tutta la mia speranza
senza fargliela pagare.

Gianni Rodari

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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نور الدين

It seems that a similar gesture, and for reasons very similar, marked the beginning of the revolt of Tunisia, a guy with his cart of stuff for sale, fruit, vegetables or whatever. The zealous guardians of order, rules, harassment, fines. The boy has done it more, took a bottle of gasoline and set himself on fire. And so he died, horribly. The revolt broke out.

A sea in the middle. A boy Moroccan Light of Faith, Nur ad-Din, Noureddine or how to transliterate the French. Palermo, بلرم , Italian city. One way whatsoever, any life. The same cart, the same stuff, the same law enforcement, the same regulations, the same oppression, the same fines. Just that there's one more thing, and one less thing. What's more is that Nur ad-Din is not to his house, his house is far away, near Dar el-Beida, or Casablanca. City that, for a famous film and the legend of a sex-change operations has entered a sort of collective imagination, call it so. To be in a different social and collective reality, however, Nur ad-Din had to cross the Mediterranean. He had probably remain underground for some time and was given a thing called residence permit. Why the Earth is not for everyone, as we know, have made thousands of films with landings of aliens, and bad War of the Worlds to the good of ET , but I'm sure the first thing we would do in the case of landing of extraterrestrials is real thrust into a CIE, possibly expel (ributtiamoli in space! ") and then let them do the process for being allowed to stay. Other than lethal weapons, we have invented one, on this planet that delivers tutte. Si chiama burocrazia.

La cosa in meno, è che qui di là dal Mediterraneo non scoppierà nessuna rivolta. Anche se le cose sono andate uguali. Nur ad-Din ha preso una bottiglia di benzina, si è dato fuoco e è morto. A ventitré anni. Forse sapeva di quel che aveva fatto il ragazzo in Tunisia, o forse no; ma non ha molta importanza. Sono arrivati gli sbirri del sindaco, i vigili urbani, coi regolamenti municipali e coi blocchetti delle multe. Il suolo pubblico , quello che ogni giorno viene occupato da intrallazzi e speculazioni, sconciato, distrutto e sfruttato senza pagare un soldo, lo devono pagare invece i ragazzi coi carretti per vendere due arance o un mazzo di sedano. I Comuni hanno bisogno di soldi because companies are now , the government closes the valves, and then the money must collect it from somewhere, even to Nur ad-Din. No money, no services, apart from the fact that many municipal services are far more disgusting than before, when there were farms and reasoned a minimum in terms of public good.

Auditors-Sheriffs, chiefs of the town bullies. The traffic policeman before, do not say it was a beloved figure, but at least had something familiar; the cast, er pizzardone, every town had a nickname. Not now. Now agents are Municipal Police (or local). Rambeggiano now, too. Now they have to apply the Ordinances The Sheriff. Ordinances, of course, affect Nur ad-Din of all nationalities, including Italian, although it must be said, be of certain nationalities is not, as it were, an advantage. But the carts are the same. The vegetables, too. The little money made from it, as well. Because it goes like this: your life, our life, is now in the hands of all this. I am not speaking philosophically, but the normal life daily as citizens. Administered shots of demagoguery and leader. The mayor "most loved" and "less loved". Visibility and publicity. The mayor is no longer an expression of citizenship and a meeting, but will retain the right to be citizenship, and to establish himself the forum. But of all this, I am sure, Nur ad-Din did not matter much. For his life, his dreams and his poor dear had to sell oranges and celery as a Ernesto Basile, Palermo. Have prevented him, so without even knowing who he was. here you can stay there. controls. Violations. His wife and child in Morocco, and wanted to get them in this wonderful country of Bengodi. Where, it seems, he found himself well. Even with people who had taken to calling Franco. It's a beautiful name, Franco, and it means something, although it may be a reduction of Francis, as the name itself autonomous in the root of Liberty. In Breton, "Freedom" is said frankiz . Even when you say "free port" means that we must pay something. Franco, or Nur ad-Din, however, had to pay everything, and the light of faith has turned into another, and the left light.

No, no revolt. Here, when a riot broke out because you get to keep tomatoes in slavery, the village will seize guns and bloodshed, it does not matter that the cops arrive, municipal or national agencies and bodies. I came by train from Piacenza, one of the nights of riots Rosarno; before me in the compartment, just so happened that there was a family of rosarnesi. The oldest son phoned home for two reasons: First, find out the outcome of Milan, the second to see if his house were also their to shoot those negraccio of shit. "I recommend that you make out of someone!" And laughed, and asked if he had scored Pato and Inzaghi.

I wish I did not misunderstand. A revolt in this as in dozens of other cases, should not have anything to do with either or with vengeance and justice. It should only have to do with logic. I find it logical that fully in Tunis, Cairo and Tripoli the people complained, though there are many points that I have not fully clear and I hear a little 'too much of cyclamen, jasmine and other flowers that remind me of the "colors" of the other parties as well come ci sono un po' troppi obami e mogli di spompinati dalle stagiste che intervengono. Ma le situazioni imponevano una rivolta, e una rivolta c'è stata. In questo paese pure s'imporrebbe; stop. Anche senza andare a scomodare il defunto Monicelli (che, peraltro, non credo abbia mai venduto sedani su un carretto, e che s'è dato la morte a 95 anni e non a 23).

Siamo proprio bravi, qui. Si dedicano le strade a Jan Palach, ragazzo praghese che si diede fuoco per far sì che, proprio nelle stessa piazza, sorgesse un giorno il sol dell'avvenire dei McDonald's; lo si ricorda come eroe contro il barbaro comunismo , e intanto si danno fuoco gli ambulanti marocchini perché sono vessati da due o tre vigili urbani shit, regulations in hand. I could have a time machine of Dr. Zapotec, the first thing I would do would be back in Vaclavske Namesti January 16, 1969, take him on one side and suggest some language in the cabbage to make a different use of that tank of gas, any use, but not about himself. And so the boy would do to Tunisia and Nur ad-Din: maybe in a more comfortable French, suggest that they do not set fire to themselves, but under the command of the traffic police. Someone will have to even think, at one time or another. Someone should make a nice bonfire of orders, regulations, permits, fines and any other blocks. Someone will have to set fire to these cities militarized camera, safety, sheriff, patrol, killed. For this s'ha a great fear of what happens beyond the sea. Fear and

enough. Mica do not care a saw, to us, if you knock down dictatorships, democracy and freedom if you ask, if you simply want to live a little 'more worthy or if you simply want to sell more vegetables and no junk that no one dare to break my balls, that matters for us, with all this, do not reach thousands and thousands of Nur ad-Din. Everybody with his own cart, with their families, with their lives. We care about this and nothing else. As well as praising the great Romanian revolution that had overthrown the Vampire in Transylvania, the Romanians until have started to arrive en masse. O the return of democracy in Albania , so we could finally go to pray to Jesus, Mary and Allah, until one fine day have not been sighted off the coast of Otranto overflowing carts. And so there's Nur ad-Din, after some years are arranged in a way Basile, and selling vegetables. Maybe picked up by other desperate in Rosario, who knows, or some plane Sicily. And there's Brigade, and for half an hour per square meter or time you saddled with a dreadful penalty. And then there's fire. And who fire hurts.

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Start by doing what is necessary

Yoko Ono , Biennale di Venezia 2009

"Cominciate col fare ciò che è necessario,
poi ciò che è possibile.
E all'improvviso vi sorprenderete a fare l'impossibile"

San Francesco d'Assisi

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They are right, television, I have
said: "Look, but because she did not go there?
talk about women, which is in fashion,
of this but she should have got already. "
And I say," Look I can not, there is also Al Bano,
I ruined, and then are only my cock, but there is also
Gianni Morandi,
and not a little contempt 'of advertising. "

Lights in San Remo that night,
that's strange, we were all there, but fuck
that fog,
singing on stage, and who knows if I vote. There is also
Benigni with his Mameli,
hooray hooray the national-popular,
between the valleys with little veils,
I do not want to Milan più tornar.

Ma il tempo emigra, e il tempo è bieco
non son capace più di dire un solo no,
io che conosco latino e greco
e che m'impegno, e che altro devo fà'?
Fo la mia vita, c'è il carovita
tanto dovevo prima o poi finire lì
sulla Riviera coi suoi bei fiori
cazzo se è bello, e non c'ero stato mai.

Scrivi Vecchioni, scrivi canzoni
che più ne scrivi più sei bravo e fai danè,
tanto che importa a chi le ascolta
se giù in platea ci son La Russa e Santanchè?
Fatti votare, fatti valere,
Avril Lavigne, e le Benigne ed i Modà,
poi alzi il premio, e cosa importa
alzalo well, so all the Vedran.

my Milan, say it to my aunt, so cold,
poor thing, 'it a little bit' more
do a race, me it back, bring it here and there
f or the winters too. And I've been in the garage
the seventeenth century,
a girl and then my wife does not know,
ammore sorry I was joking
lights in San Remo, here is a bigiù.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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true to themselves

René Magritte, infinite gratitude , 1963

"Better a thousand times seem infidels in the eyes of the world to be ourselves."

Mahatma Gandhi


Friday, February 18, 2011

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Near Rome, Little Big Horn

M'innamoro When I was little I was running around behind dogs
in February and March my grandfather watched
on current of horses and oxen
facts my facts on your

and the god of the English never believe.

And when I had two hundred moons, and perhaps some are too
stole the first horse and man made me
I changed my name in "Queue wolf
changed my pony with a horse silent

and the loser never believe their god

It was the night of the long tail star
we found my grandfather crucified on church
crocifisso con forchette che si usano a cena
era sporco e pulito di sangue e di crema

e al loro dio goloso non credere mai.

E forse avevo diciott'anni e non puzzavo più di serpente
possedevo una spranga un cappello e una fionda
e una notte di gala con un sasso a punta
uccisi uno smoking e glielo rubai

e al dio della scala non credere mai.

Poi tornammo in Brianza per l'apertura della caccia al bisonte
ci fecero l'esame dell'alito and urine
we explained the mechanism an Andalusian poet
- For the bison hunting - he said - the issue is closed.

And God never believe in happy endings.

And I was already old when Rome near Little Big Horn
hair-General spoke to us at the University
brothers buried all blue axes
but not smoked with him was not come in peace

a god and made the butt never believe.

And now that I burned twenty children on my husband's bed
I downloaded my anger in a studio
I learned to fish with hand grenades
I have carved into tears on the arch of Trajan
glass with a spoon digging into my story
but hit a bit 'random because I have more memory

a god and never believe you breathless.

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Malaise and welfare: two deep allies

Bruno Munari, image of reality , 1977

Sickness and wealth are not opposites but two deep allies: the first helps you feel really What do you differ from the second, so it must be accepted and listened as the most loyal advisers.

Chinese proverb

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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True happiness I just

Mimmo Paladino, San Francisco .

The joy is not found in the objects that surround us, but in the depths of the soul

Mother Teresa

Monday, February 14, 2011

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any purpose

Kazimir Malevich , Self portrait in two dimensions

the right goals are centered on projects to develop inner :
  • not get in a "place" that is not ours, because will make us feel uncomfortable.
  • allow our brains to perform the natural functions without overload of unnecessary projects.
  • be changing with surrender to promote the natural evolution of our interior design.
  • Accept the changes that life brings us.
The goals are just focused on external events us:
  • Success in all fields. Wanting to be the first time and at any cost.
  • A good marriage, a steady job, the children placed, the money in the bank.
  • Living a busy life brilliant fun.
  • Having faith with extreme care and follow all the dictates of their religious beliefs.

Raffaele Morelli, Happiness is inside you , Mondadori

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

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There is nothing to take possession on the difficulty

Vincent van Gogh, Blossoming almond tree in bloom , 1890

"We arrive at point, then, it becomes apparent that all of their intentional acts - like, tricks, ideals - are in vain. In the whole universe, dentro e fuori, non c'è nulla di cui prendere possesso, e nessuno che prenda il possesso di qualcosa"

A. W. Watts, La via dello Zen, Feltrinelli