Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Congratulate Your Friend On Her Marriage

No more angels

I really have melted his balls, angels.

Since this here is a country where girls and boys, for boys and girls if they kill a lot, we must say a little 'things as they are. Brutally, and even at the risk of appearing insensitive. A thirteen year-old found stabbed to death after months in a field reduced to a lump of horror, not is an angel: a cadaver. It will not go into any "heaven", but the morgue. They must get their parents or relatives to recognize it, and you can imagine it. There was someone who did this, for reasons which are not known, but at least it is legitimate to imagine. Who took a subject with which he ended his life so atrocious, so here is just the antithesis of the angel, the ogre. Everything seems to be reduced to fairy tales: that of religion for those who suffer, and the "secular" for those who offend. Here comes the surprise pastor and is also playing the bells, because (his words) "there is now more of an angel in heaven and we must celebrate." I would be so many, and perhaps too many, by say about this sentence better to resort to no comment, silence. I wonder if you have played the bells of the church where power was found the mummy of another young girl, up in the attic.

Catholic This country has become a factory of angels. We think very often the families themselves, perhaps by the father more or less separate , depressed, just so , zac, flying angels and I do not miss ever. Then there are those, and especially, slamming against the wall every day of the true dominant feeling, indifference, and indifference is all the more irrelevant the more theatrical, angelic, shouted. At the focal point of the matter never go: a society and a culture they consider life as a possession and as a commodity. Everything can be taken, bought, used, thrown away. And even the orcs have nothing to do here, the orcs do not exist as there are no angels and other bullshit like that. A rejection means death, and immediate. Open a bank account means blood. A separation means extermination. Then think about angels, but the Angels actually have to be minors. The hundreds of women each year are killed, however, have no right to be angels and they can go directly to the morgue and the pit without any digression in heaven.

Who is going to rape and kill a girl is not interested and neither angels nor demons, neither ogres nor fairy tales. He identified the prey and proceeds. He does not care if it will or will do away with it. It is not an ogre: a human being, because it is wrong to attribute to the term "humanity" meanings always positive. Humanity are thousands of years of violence, oppression, and death. There have been millions of Yare, and nothing has changed, and has not changed because everything is always gone in one direction. The direction of impotence in the face of force. The reverse roles immutable, coded, made law. The verse that has always been obliged in the name of a thousand things, using hours and hours of angels with sticks, hours and hours of madonnas of knives, hours and hours of the sacraments of blackmail.

I'm not interested consolations; forced to console the sky, we were cheated, and as always, all the earth. What interests me is that there are more girls stopped while returning home, take a place on some pretext or strength, and then raped and killed like animals. Of course, we should like to say, change their mentality ; operate a personal and collective, and apply that path themselves. But to do so, we need very specific tools, especially need the ability to think, to observe, to draw conclusions. This age is in exactly the opposite direction: towards the stupidity, to consider the thought as a nuisance useless flock to the more ferocious as it can be controlled and shaped. Desert, yes, but few are willing to do it really, really good and without any means to have a real impact on society. You encounter enemies too powerful, with power, with the "traditional cultures", religions, anesthetized with the masses.

But, a lot, think about the angels. How many dozens of girls, even and especially those whose story will not rise to the headlines, it's up to mount the wings? L ' Angel Kit ready in the mind of some parent, a relative, friend of some , some perfect Unknown? And what to wear, then all these angels? Fear, insecurity, silence, total closures on a personal level and community, forks, applauds the coffins, homilies, church bells, "justice" well with the charges for moderation. The angels have invented them the standard bearers of submission and we would like, however, the demons of reflection, the rejection of any fixed role of fight.

Not only angels. They invented the light earth, the hope and all those other crap. The earth is cold, it stinks, it's heavy. Hope is good only for fools. We must be against hope, because it is the main instrument of oppression. Not angels, but agitators of sleep and consciousness. Boxes away from these little creatures asexual, because the girls are killed to put a dick in a pussy. Outside the balls all the palliatives that only serve to perpetuate the deception forever. Flown into the homes of angels in heaven we are caught by the paparazzi window.


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