Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can I Find Garnier Light In Canada

Near Rome, Little Big Horn

M'innamoro When I was little I was running around behind dogs
in February and March my grandfather watched
on current of horses and oxen
facts my facts on your

and the god of the English never believe.

And when I had two hundred moons, and perhaps some are too
stole the first horse and man made me
I changed my name in "Queue wolf
changed my pony with a horse silent

and the loser never believe their god

It was the night of the long tail star
we found my grandfather crucified on church
crocifisso con forchette che si usano a cena
era sporco e pulito di sangue e di crema

e al loro dio goloso non credere mai.

E forse avevo diciott'anni e non puzzavo più di serpente
possedevo una spranga un cappello e una fionda
e una notte di gala con un sasso a punta
uccisi uno smoking e glielo rubai

e al dio della scala non credere mai.

Poi tornammo in Brianza per l'apertura della caccia al bisonte
ci fecero l'esame dell'alito and urine
we explained the mechanism an Andalusian poet
- For the bison hunting - he said - the issue is closed.

And God never believe in happy endings.

And I was already old when Rome near Little Big Horn
hair-General spoke to us at the University
brothers buried all blue axes
but not smoked with him was not come in peace

a god and made the butt never believe.

And now that I burned twenty children on my husband's bed
I downloaded my anger in a studio
I learned to fish with hand grenades
I have carved into tears on the arch of Trajan
glass with a spoon digging into my story
but hit a bit 'random because I have more memory

a god and never believe you breathless.


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