Friday, February 4, 2011

Leopard Print Buggies

Women, scaffolding, prisons, riots

* Someone, by chance, remember feminicide newspapers? * Someone, I say, other than the militant feminists, sisters and fellow South Feminism and War Bulletin, which is not Lady Losca , they are few and those few who do not intend to mollare sulla mattanza quotidiana? Temo ragionevolmente di no. Manca, oramai da troppo tempo, il "fatto eclatante". Da quando di Sarah Scazzi si sono impadronite le Vite in Diretta, le Portapporte, i Chillavvisti, le clamorose rivelazioni e quant'altro, sembra che il risultato voluto sia stato ottenuto: una crisi di rigetto. Non ha "funzionato" neppure il caso di Yara, la ragazzina tredicenne scomparsa in provincia di Bergamo. Le violenze sulle donne e i femminicidi non servono affatto a "sensibilizzare" alcuno e alcunché, in questo paese: servono esclusivamente al titolo, al reportage, all'editoriale, all'appello, all' acuta analisi dell'esperto , alla spazzatura mediatica in generale. Servono alla news, and news remain. Something is lost in the space of two days. Tons of function words produced on the skin of others. Calls for bipartisan outrage that always end in nothing. Comes, if they can be sure, even in 2011 the "case" that falsely catalyze attention, and while the slaughter goes on, relentless, relentless, silent. Two or three websites and a few Facebook page. You'd really? There are Ruby and Minetti, now. I do take the field giornaloni great men and women "not being" there with huge campaigns, because human dignity in this country is measured by the stories of the powerful red light, and not with the actual condition of women in families, at work and in all types of human relationships and productive. We neglect the real problems and the economic and social issues in favor of moralism and legalism. No large country which calls for "not being" there for the massacre next door to the slaughter of her companions, for the "transport in the sky" of children by estranged father of the poor so lonely and not understood, far from it. Must I declare instead against Olgettina, because this is a symbol of "healthy country".

Just as the deaths at work. The work is death itself. Death that drags on for the entire life of each of us, her death "inevitable necessity" in a capitalist society, because death This inevitable necessity has been inevitably destroyed in the name of temporary employment, death of many thousands of times per year is expressed with death, physical, of those who work. Why is it newsworthy must die as a group. It takes the explosion in the mill, it takes the fumes in the tank, and taking the same mechanisms of femicide, or rather family of the massacre. It takes gallons of blood to appear in the newspaper and the TG. A few drops would not trigger the indignation, which then almost always occurs with the innate Italian forcaiolismo. Although, I must say, I've heard dozens of people to declare themselves ready to do the worst for his uncle and cousin, but no "put on the wall" leaders Thyssen Krupp or little factory model. Legal immigration and illegal can, indeed, safe to fly from his scaffolding: one less. You can die every day without a single line, without anyone knowing.

And who dies in jail? This is not even making news here is rather to cover it. Days ago, they aired a television service, I do not remember on which TG (so are all the same dismally), Innauguration of a new prison in a town that also do not remember. It seemed the opening of a luxury hotel, complete with the presence of the minister, there were only the majorettes. In prison, however, there is the death penalty. The death penalty is the same jail. Just as in the case of the work, the jail can not be called into question even the slightest, and how his work turns out dozens and dozens of deaths. But here would be useless to look for the news. They do, sometimes, the riots in South American prisons, ending with eighty or a hundred dead here too has the law of large numbers. The dead individual cells, or almost daily, but should not pass. No one needs to know anything, because we are a democratic country where the detention must aim at rehabilitating . Comes to mind academic language, and not for anything even resembling more and more schools in the galleys. Without in any way that we realize that, slowly, a jail è diventata la nostra vita intera. Più si è sviluppato l'orrendo, abominevole senso della privacy resa legge, e più in realtà siamo costantemente sotto gli occhi meccanici delle telecamere. Il morto in galera, nel senso comune imposto, è salutato con favore. Un'altro in meno. Quasi tutti extracomunitari. Il Cucchi? Il Lonzi? Incidenti di percorso; e, in fondo, se erano dentro qualcosa avevano fatto. C'è pure il caso che siano stati i pensieri di qualcuno che poi s'è visto massacrare il figlio o il fratello in carcere; allora, magari, ha preso coscienza . Una volta o l'altra mi piacerebbe parlare con un parente di questi morti, e chiedergli che cosa ne pensava della galera e di chi c'era dentro prima che fosse toccato personalmente dalla cosa, e nel modo più diretto e terribile. Vorrei chiedergli se non ha mai considerato i guardiani e gli agenti degli onesti lavoratori che si guadagnano duramente il pane , o roba del genere. Vorrei chiedergli un sacco di cose che non gli chiederò mai; e intanto si muore. E si invocano galere per tutti. Sempre più sbarre. Sempre più giustizialismo, trascinati magari dagli eroi della sinistra . Come quel tal Francesco Saverio Borrelli, "resistere, resistere, resistere!", che fu il magistrato che mandò assolti i carabinieri assassini che avevano schiacciato Giannino Zibecchi durante una manifestazione. Quando un paese trasforma dei giudici in eroi, vuol say that his deepest aspiration is to be tried and imprisoned. You can see it well.

Everything that takes the space of a minute. Consciousness reduced to an air passenger. In recent days, all with bated breath to follow the revolt in Tunisia, once expelled the corrupt president , silence. Revolt over. He won er people. All right. If he knows something more, of what happens in Tunisia? Democracy will finally back the ? And if democracy is the shit that we face here, with his "government", his "opposition" and a lot of grief for the "sides", it will be worth it? What's going on in the buildings and roads? After emerge as the new chieftain? Will have changed the whole army? And the structures of power, who will remain in your hand? All quiet. Count the president. In a bit 'Mubaraq jumped off the seat, and will repeat the story. Do you think that in Greece the situation is back to normal ? In Gaza are back roses to bloom? Afghanistan is only there for a few blown up and mercenary "eroizzato? At the border between Mexico and the USA is going? Flashes. Liters of blood meal as you dine on offer, as you uncork a bottle and downs. When it ended, is thrown away.


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