Tuesday, February 22, 2011

After Cataract Surgery Marijuana

Small portable history

October 23, 1911

During the Italo-Turkish War for possession of a Libyan pilot of the newly formed Italian Air Force, Captain Carlo Maria Piazza, flies for the first time enemy lines in an aircraft . A few days later, another Italian aviator Giulio Gavotti, releases for the first time in history a bomb from the sky. The first air raid in history consists of a device only slightly larger than an orange, hand-launched from Gavotti on Turkish troops. On October 18, 1912 Libya, Tripoli or , is conquered by Italy.

September 16, 1931

Following the anti-colonial guerrilla libica, guidata da Omar al-Mukhtar el-Senussi, Mussolini affida al generale Rodolfo Graziani il compito di stroncarla nel sangue. Vengono usati tutti i metodi, compresi la distruzione totale di alcuni villaggi e il primo bombardamento aereo a tappeto, per annientare l'oasi di Cufra. Omar al-Mukhtar è catturato l'11 settembre 1931; il 15 settembre si svolge nel Palazzo Littorio di Bengasi un processo-farsa, con la sentenza già dettata da Mussolini in persona: morte. Viene arrestato persino il difensore d'ufficio di al-Mukhtar, l'avvocato Roberto Lontano; aveva interpretato colpevolmente alla lettera il suo ruolo. Alle 9 del mattino del 16 settembre 1931, Omar al-Mukhtar è portato a Solluch, in Cirenaica, ed impiccato davanti a twenty thousand people. He was seventy years old. His last words were a verse from the Koran: "To God we belong and to Him we return" . The photo is of his arrest showed off by Colonel Gaddafi during his first official visit to Italy.

January 19, 1943

Libya was occupied by Allied armies, ending the Italian colonial all'amministrazone the majority of Italians remain in Libya, known familiarly box of sand.

December 24, 1951

Libya declares its independence as United Kingdom of Libya. First The King and Idris al-Senussi, belonging to the same family of Omar al-Mukhtar. Libya comes in the UN 14 December 1955 and in April the same year began oil exploration. In February of 1963 starting with exports of oil lying in abundance in the sand of the box. On April 25, 1963, while Italy is celebrating the 18th anniversary of the Liberation , the kingdom of Libya abolished the federal form of state.

1 July 1962

From the "Preface" to the first edition of the Arabic Course "dr. Mario Gerardo Dall'Arche OFM (Ordo Fratrum Minorum) - Edizioni Franciscan Library, 2 Piazza Sant'Angelo, Milan

"I wrote this grammar, especially for students of Italian secondary schools, with the aim of settling the most of the difficulties they encounter in the study of Arabic. [...] confident that my work will facilitate the study of Arabic to our young people, I wish them a greater knowledge of languages, the source of understanding, sympathy and brotherhood among peoples "- Gerardo Mario Dall'Arche, Tripoli, Libya (sic ) , 1 July 1962.

1 May 1969

From the preface to the third edition of the Arabic Course "of dr. Mario Gerardo Dall'Arche OFM

"Hoping that this reprint will contribute to a better understanding of the Arabic language among our youth, I wish them a more lively interest in the peoples of North Africa and the Near East, who are reliving a period of promising youth "- Gerardo Mario Dall'Arche, Tripoli, Libya (again sic), 1 May 1969.

1 September 1969

King Idris I was deposed by a coup done by some officers Nasserites; provisional head of State is appointed a young and unknown Colonel al-Qadhafi Mu'ammar in Italy dubbed Gaddafi. System of setting the Arab-socialist nationalization of resources.

Spring 1970 - October 15, 1970

are confiscated all the assets of Italian citizens residing in Libya. By October 15, all Italians are expelled from the country.

February 22, 1980

has nothing to do? And I just let go.

April 15, 1986

Colonel Gaddafi, for all the world, a terrorist , indeed, the main terrorist in the world. Libya a rogue country. The U.S. president, Ronald Reagan decided to bomb Libya, arguing that it would be "the only language that Gaddafi will." Libya, the land chosen for the bombings. It struck the presidential palace of Tripoli, died a young adopted son of Gaddafi. Two Libyan missiles to no avail trying to land on Lampedusa, the Manifesto headline: "We have put into war." Gaddafi is the Arab Socialist leader : develops the Italian left, resurgence of pacifism. Giorgio Forattini, then Republic of cartoonist, draws the main exponents of the PCI and other formations of left while marching in a banner with the words: Hands off lìbbico to value people. If the Internet had existed in 1986, blogs, Facebook and so on, would have been invaded dall'effigie of Colonel Gaddafi, courageous resistance against the Gendarme Planetarium.

February 2011.

Silvio Berlusconi.
Silvio Berlusconi.
Silvio B.
S. Berlusconi In

blogroll I have so many beautiful blog of anarchy, left, of all things. Today is the day of Gaddafi and Berlusconi. Berlusconi and Gaddafi together. Berlusconi kisses the hand of Gaddafi. Outline: Berlusconi and Ben Ali. Mubarak and Berlusconi. Gaddafi, leader of a secular, iron fist against all of Islam, fundamentalist or not, as Saddam Hussein. He also Arabic and socialist, as I recall. In the "left" Italian Gaddafi became the devil when he declared his friendship with Berlusconi. Suddenly they noticed all that Gaddafi is a dictator. Libya, a land of air bombardments; Gaddafi makes mercenaries shot at the crowd niggas (well-known historical racism and secular of the Arab peoples to the sub-Saharan Africa, even Islamized) Gaddafi makes bomb the demonstrators by aviation. Despite all this, Gaddafi is a piece of shit mainly because it is a friend of Berlusconi. Everything here revolves around Berlusconi. What would we do without Berlusconi, luckily for Silvio.

basic concerns: the refugees, the landings, the gas, the oil . And when Gaddafi came into the Fiat? And when he sent his son to play in Perugia Gaucci? And when was the hero armed resistance against Reaganism? Gaddafi is, too, to get rid of Berlusconi. Indeed, more bombing events, and the more I get rid of. Berlusconi, for that matter, is also a friend of Putin, one that has razed Chechnya. But Chechnya is far away and not directly gasdotteggia, Libya, by contrast, is near. Too close. Gaddafi and his bombings, however, give us a hand to get rid of Berlusconi, mica it will take to the streets and give the assault to the House, no?

February 22, 2010
State Minister Italian keeper, Alfano: "It 's unacceptable assault and massacre of the demonstrators. In Italy this could never happen, because Italy is a democracy."

Tripoli of Liguria, in July 2001

November 26, 2014, at the club "Antonio Gramsci" Party Demorenziano outskirts of Florence.

"'Nsomma, Piero, te lo dicevo io tre anni fa...'e gli è andaha a finì che so' arrivahi dugentomila crandestini, porcoddio! Sì lo so che 'un si pole bestemmiare, però ti rendi 'honto? E noi tutti lì a dagni addosso a qui' poeromo...poi l'hanno pure 'mpiccaho! 'E gli era amiho d'i' Berlusca, e daccordo poi tutti a 'ndignàssegnene, 'e ci serviva per leàccelo di hulo, lui, le donne, i' ppopoloviola che pe' me l'uniho popolo viola 'e gli è quello della Fiorentina...! Però poi la benzina a sei euri a i' litro, i' gàsse tagliato, e ora in Libia 'e c'ènno gli slàmici che pe' me 'e ciaveva ragione la Fallaci, artroché! Lo sai icché ti diho, Piero? Pe' me 'e bombardàlli was good at, this' dirty! It was the best Mubaràcche! Poer Gaddafi, so that he was a mate! "


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